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词汇 farther
例句 It's farther away than I'd thought.那地方比我原来想的更远。We won't be able to go much farther because of the snow.由于下雪,我们无法走得更远。You think I don't like you? Nothing could be farther from the truth. 你以为我不喜欢你?这真是大错特错了。The children were too tired to walk any farther.孩子们太累了,再也不能向前走了。The application of the law was extended farther.这条法律的应用范围进一步扩大了。He moved his cattle farther down into the valley in winter.冬天他把牛赶到山谷中更远的地方。This rule is carried no farther than necessity requires.这项规定仅限于在必要时施行。A portiere at the farther side showed the entrance to the bedroom.远处那边的一个门帷露出了通往卧室的进口。How much farther do we have to go?我们还要走多远?Manchester is farther from London than Oxford is.曼彻斯特比牛津离伦敦远。Two miles farther south is the village of Santa Catarina.再往南两英里是圣卡塔琳娜村。Both of my sisters moved even farther away from home.我的两个姐姐都搬得离家更远了。They're even farther to the right than the present government.他们甚至比现政府更加右倾。Margot paused before a door at the farther end.玛戈在那一头的一扇门前停了下来。Romley's lawsuit drove the wedge even farther between the two former friends.罗姆雷提出诉讼的做法使这两个原先的朋友嫌隙更深了。We went no farther than the bridge.我们走到桥边就不再往前了。The figures in the foreground are painted more brightly than those farther away.前景里的人物比起后景里的人物画得更明亮。There seemed to be some disagreement over whether we could go farther.关于我们能否再往前走,意见似乎有些分歧。He heaved himself to safety on the farther bank.他使劲儿蹦到对岸的安全地带。Swimming a little farther each session will build endurance.每次游得远一点将会增强耐力。Have you anything farther to say?你还有什么要说的吗?He didn't want to go any farther/further afield.他不想去更远的地方了。I live farther up the road.我住在这条路再往北一点的地方。I could not walk any farther.我一点儿也走不动了。Alexander pushed his conquests still farther east.亚历山大将他所征服的地区扩展到更远的东方。I can't see any farther than the next six months.我不能预见半年后的未来。The bombardment began to lift, shifting to targets farther inland.轰击开始转向更远的内地的目标。Large objects appear to be closer. Conversely, small objects seem farther away.大的物体显得近一些;相反,小的物体似乎显得远一些。The next day we ventured farther afield and sailed out to one of the islands.第二天我们大着胆走得更远,航行到那些岛中的一个上去了。He now lives in an apartment a little farther uptown.他现在住在一套离商业区较远的公寓里。I tried to read the book, but I got no farther than the first chapter.我尽量试着阅读那本书,但读完第一章就读不下去了。We can't go any farther ahead with this plan.此项计划我们无法继续实施了。He went farther than anyone expected.他走得比任何人预料的还远。He tried to jump over to the farther side of the stream.他试图跳到溪流的那一边去。His breath was coming in gasps, and soon he could go no farther.他急促地喘着气,很快就无法再往前走了。Some of the men ventured farther out to sea.其中有些人冒险向大海的更深处游去。For fun in the sun this summer, look no farther than your own backyard. 今年夏天的日光浴,在你家附近就行了。The closer building looks larger than the farther one, but it's just an optical illusion. The two buildings are actually the same size.近处这栋楼看上去比远处那栋高大,其实这只是视错觉。这两栋楼实际上大小一样。Looking farther into the future, we plan to expand into Europe.再往前展望未来,我们计划扩展到欧洲。Let's sit farther forward so we can see the stage better.我们坐得再靠前些,这样能够更清楚地看见舞台。




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