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At Christmas, the whole family helps trim the tree.圣诞节时,全家都帮忙装饰圣诞树。My whole family are right behind me in this crisis.在这次危机中,全家人都全力支持我。His family had always worked the land.他家过去一直务农。Our family finances are not very healthy at the moment.我们家的经济状况目前不是很好。Giving away free toys is a popular way to tap the family market.派发免费玩具是开拓家庭市场的普遍方法。She is the sole provider for her family.她是家里唯一的经济来源。She relinquished all control over the family business to her daughter.她将掌管家族企业的全部权力让予女儿。Were it not for this misfortune, he might never have been forced into the business of grinding out novels to support his family.要不是因为这一不幸变故,他可能永远都不会迫于无奈地开始流水线式创作小说养家糊口。The family was already comfortably ensconced in an old house with a big garden.这家人已经在一所带大花园的老房子里舒舒服服地安顿下来。She comes from a good family.她家世良好。A family of birds has built a nest on our roof.一窝鸟在我们家房顶上筑了一个巢。When his cows calve each year he keeps one or two calves for his family.他的母牛每年产犊时,他都给自家留上一两头。They've decided to postpone having a family for a while.他们决定推迟一段时间要孩子。Many people are now working a fifty or sixty hour week, at the expense of their family life.许多人现在都牺牲家庭生活,一周工作五六十个小时。I didn't realize that Lee was so sensitive about her family.我不知道李这么忌讳说她家人。Bethan's sister was as friendly and natural as the rest of the family.贝唐的妹妹和她家的其他人一样友好、随意。Although she came from a family of bankers, Franklin set her sights on a career in scientific research.尽管出身于银行家家庭,富兰克林还是决心从事科研事业。Her family kicked her out.她的家人把她赶了出来。This recipe's an oldie and a favorite in my family.这是我家最喜欢的一种旧式烹饪法。In Japan, the private lives of the Emperor and his family were once veiled in secrecy.在日本,天皇及其家人的私生活曾经是不为外人所知的。The national average is just over two children per family.全国平均每个家庭有两个以上孩子。At the family reunion, I saw relatives I haven't seen in years.在家庭聚会上,我见到了多年未见的亲戚。She was forced to face up to a few unwelcome truths about her family.她不得不接受一些关于她家庭的令人不快的事实。During this period the family unit becomes the natural social grouping.在这一时期里,家庭成了自然的社会群落。She is very attached to her family.她对她的家人十分依依不舍。The family dropped out into the country.那一家人隐居到乡下去了。In five minutes she had elicited all the family history.她五分钟就套出了所有的家族史。The royal family has lost its mystique.王室已经失去了其神秘性。She couldn't bear to be parted from her family.她无法忍受和家人分离。According to family tradition, Mr Thomas was a teacher.根据家族传统,托马斯先生当了一名教师。I was allowed to view his family collection of miniatures.我获准去参观他家的缩微模型收藏。I don't think we ever made a conscious decision to have a big family.我觉得我们没有刻意地决定要生很多孩子。The company began as an amalgamation of small family firms.该公司创建时,是个小型家庭商行的联合体。It was a decision which drove a wedge between her and her family.这样的决定破坏了她和她的家人之间的关系。There seems to be a jinx on that family.那家人好像霉运当头似的。My mother always used to wax lyrical about the lemon trees in her family's garden.我母亲过去总是会深情地谈起她家中花园里的那些柠檬树。Snobbish home-owners are protesting about a refugee family moving into their street.势利眼的房主们在抗议一个难民家庭搬进他们的街道。He was considered the redeemer of the family's reputation/virtue.他被认为是家族声誉/德行的救赎者。The family had abandoned all hope of finding him alive.家人对他的生还已经不抱任何希望。Out of misplaced sympathy for his family I never asked for the money back.出于对他的家庭不应有的同情,我一直没有把钱要回来。 |