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词汇 fallen
例句 He has come/fallen under the sway of terrorists.他已落入恐怖分子的掌控。The dollar has fallen to a new low against the Euro.美元对欧元的比价已跌至一个新的低点。She swept up a hat from where it had fallen on the ground, and plunked it on her hair.她拾起掉在地上的一顶帽子,随意地往头上一扣。We tried to move the fallen tree, but even with the three of us we could not budge it.我们想搬开那株倒下的树,可是即使我们三个人一起动手还是动不了它。They awoke to find that several inches of snow had fallen.他们醒来发现已下了几英寸深的雪。In her delirium, she had fallen to the floor several times.她在神志不清的状态下几次摔倒在地上。Over the years the church has fallen into a state of neglect.多年来这座教堂已沦落到无人照管的地步。He's been very unlucky that no chances have fallen to him.他很不走运,机会一次也没有落到他头上。Obviously the plaster's just perished and all fallen off.很明显灰泥已脆裂老化,全剥落下来了。Enrollment has fallen off this year.今年入学人数减少了。He was angry with himself for having fallen prey to his wife's foolish talk.他因听信了妻子的蠢话上当受骗而生自己的气。His mother was chatting and didn't notice that he had fallen behind.他妈妈在聊天,没注意到他落在了后面。Participation in the group has fallen off.加入这个团体的人已经减少了。Attendances at the concerts have fallen off.演唱会的上座率已下降。He behaved like a callow youth who had fallen in love for the first time.他的举止像一个初次恋爱的毛头小伙子。A soft spring rain had fallen all day.春雨蒙蒙,下了一整天。She pointed toward the crisscross of trees that had fallen on the path.她指向纵横交错地倒在小径上的那几棵树。The plant's red berries remain long after the leaves have fallen.这种植物的红色浆果在叶子脱落后很久还留在枝上。A tree had fallen and was blocking our way.一棵树倒下了,挡住了我们的路。The city has fallen on evil days/times.这座城池陷入了灾难日子/时期。The road was partly blocked by a fallen tree.一棵倒下的树堵住了部分路面。He's fallen in with a group of boys I don't like very much.他与一帮我不大喜欢的男孩交上了朋友。We were going to redo the kitchen this spring, but those plans have fallen/gone by the wayside. 我们原来打算今年春天重新装修厨房,但那些计划都被搁置了。They went to rescue people trapped inside fallen buildings.他们赶去抢救陷在倒坍房屋里的人。The building had fallen into disrepair.这座建筑已经破败不堪了。Many streams have fallen victim to the recent drought.最近的旱灾使许多小河干涸。Darkness had fallen by the time we reached home.我们到家的时候天已经黑了。On the bathroom ceiling, some pieces of plaster had fallen away.浴室顶上几块灰泥已经脱落了。He had fallen foul of the FBI.他已经惹恼了联邦调查局。Max's body lay across the doorway where he had fallen.马克斯的尸体横躺在他摔倒的门口。The number of people obtaining basic craft qualifications has fallen.取得基本工艺资格证书的人数已经下降了。A few spots of rain had fallen.下了几滴雨。The house has fallen into a ruinous state.这房子已破败不堪。In recent years, the cinema has fallen on lean times.近几年,电影院遇上了不景气时期。I couldn't tell if he had been in a fight or had just fallen down.我不知道他是和人家打架了,还是仅仅摔了一跤。The keys must have fallen out of my pocket.钥匙一定是从我口袋里掉出去了。At university, Taylor had fallen in with a small clique of literature students.在大学里,泰勒曾经频繁参与一个文学小团体的活动。The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.天花板上的挂钩断了,吊灯坠落到桌子上,光华四溅。I had fallen into my old bad habit of leaving everything until the last minute.我又恢复了过去什么事都要拖到最后一刻才干的坏习惯。He's fallen out with his girlfriend again.他又和女朋友闹翻了。




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