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词汇 faked
例句 The results of the experiments were faked.这些实验的结果都是伪造出来的。The identity papers looked as though they had been faked.这些身份证件看来好像是伪造的。He faked a rare first edition.他伪造了这部珍本书的原版本。She didn't want to go out, so she faked a headache.她不想出去,就假装头痛。She faked her own death so he couldn't find her.她假装自己已经死了,让他无法找到。She faked her father's signature.她伪造了她父亲的签名。The runner faked the defender by stepping to his left and then cutting to the right.这名带球进攻球员假装要迈向左边,接着插到了右边,迷惑住了对方防守队员。She faked illness so as not to go to school.她为了逃学假装生病。She faked her father's signature on the cheque.她在支票上伪造了父亲的签名。Jon faked nonchalance.乔恩假装无所谓。Maturity and emotional sophistication can't be faked.成熟和情感上的老道是装不出来的。He faked a heart attack and persuaded prison staff to take him to hospital.他假装心脏病发作,说服狱警送他去医院。The quarterback faked to fullback and handed off to the halfback.四分卫做了个要把球传给后卫的假动作,却把球手递手传给了前卫。He faked the test results.他在考试成绩上做了手脚。The network ran into controversy over claims of faked documentary footage.由于有人指责纪录片不实,电视网陷入了一场争论。He sighed with faked sadness.他假装伤心地叹气。The quarterback faked a handoff and then threw a pass downfield.这个四分卫假装要手递手传球,接着就把球扔传向了前场。He faked an opposing player out of position.他用假动作使一名对手离开了自己的位置。He faked a heart attack.他假装心脏病发作了。He faked out the defender.他骗过了对方的防守队员。He faked my signature to get money from my bank.他冒充我的签字从我的银行里取钱。The insurance company suspected that he had faked his own death.保险公司怀疑他诈死。She faked her own death. 她伪装出自己死亡的假象。He faked his own death to collect on an insurance policy.他制造了自己死亡的假象,以骗取保险赔偿金。The signature had been faked.签名是伪造的。The runner faked left and then cut to the right.这名带球进攻球员做了个朝左跑的假动作,然后插到了右边。He faked the fine furniture of the century before.他仿造了一个世纪前的精美家具。




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