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词汇 faith
例句 Even under torture, he refused to deny his beliefs/faith.即使遭受酷刑,他也决不放弃自己的信念/信仰。I chose to take a leap of faith and do the movie.我选择顶着风险拍摄这部电影。The bishop had done nothing to cure the widespread lack of faith.主教在解决人们信仰普遍缺失的问题上无所作为。The trip reinstated my faith in myself.此次旅行恢复了我对自己的信念。The public has lost faith in the government.公众已对政府失去信心。A ceasefire was declared as a sign of good faith.宣布停火是为了表示诚信。The two communities are closely knit by a common faith.两个团体因共同的信仰而紧密联合在一起。I must confess that I didn't have much faith in her ideas.我必须承认对她的想法我没有什么信心。She had deep religious faith.她有坚定的宗教信仰。He did that in token of good faith.他那样做是为了表示诚意。He always puts his faith in the future.他对未来总是抱有信心。There's a great difference between ordinary loyalty and blind faith.一般意义上的忠诚和盲目信任之间有很大的区别。Many doctors are worried by the villagers’ blind faith in traditional healing methods.许多医生很担心村民对传统疗法的迷信。He was executed as a martyr to his Catholic faith.他因为信仰天主教而被处决成了殉道者。I'm not willing to take her statements on faith.我不愿意不经核实就相信她的话。Have faith! Everything will work out.别气馁!最后一切都会好起来的。Naivety bordering on obtuseness helped sustain his faith.近乎鲁钝的天真使他坚守自己的信仰。He proposed a second meeting as a sign of his good faith.他建议再举行一次会议,以表示他的诚意。It's really helped restore my faith in human nature.此事确实恢复了我对人性的信念。The vast majority of people in the UK are opposed to more faith-based schools, saying they would be socially divisive.英国大多数人都反对建立更多的教会学校,说这样做会引起社会分裂。The team has been playing poorly, but its devoted fans have kept the faith. 这支球队一直表现欠佳,但球队的忠实球迷始终不离不弃。The Foreign Office had been negotiating in bad faith.英国外交部一直在以欺骗的方式谈判。He clung to the certainties of his Catholic faith.他坚守着天主教的信条。This generous action restored my faith in human nature.这一慷慨行为使我重新建立起对人性的信心。Many people have lost faith in the police force.许多人已对警方失去信任。Both parties acted in good faith.双方都以诚相待。She accused her landlord of bad faith because he had promised to paint the apartment but never did it.她指责房东不守信用,因为他承诺过要粉刷公寓但一直没有兑现。The born-again actor often talks about his faith during interviews.那位演员皈依了基督教,经常在访谈中谈论他的信仰。For many people it is an article of faith that the economy will begin to improve soon.很多人坚信经济很快就会开始复苏。He had a quite unshakeable faith in the system.他对该体制有着坚定不移的信念。Non-violence and patience are the central tenets of their faith.非暴力和忍耐是他们的信仰的核心原则。He also had an invincible faith in the medicinal virtues of garlic.他同时也对大蒜的医学功效深信不疑。Fink writes with eloquence about the appeal of the Jewish faith for her.芬克在书中写到犹太教对于她的感染力,说服力很强。Values and morals are independent of religious faith.价值观和道德观是独立于宗教信仰之外的。I'll give my vote to the man in whom I have faith.我将把我的选票投给我所相信的人。You have no right to question my good faith.你无权质疑我的诚意。It's my faith that keeps me going.是我的信仰在推动我前进。Community leaders and those involved in faith organizations met to discuss what could be done about the recent disturbances.社区领导人与那些宗教团体人士会面,探讨最近发生的骚动的解决办法。Their aim was to keep alive the traditional Jewish faith.他们的目标是使传统的犹太教信仰生生不息。Her opinions are deeply rooted in her faith.她的观点是牢固地建立在其信仰之上的。




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