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词汇 faded
例句 My jeans have faded.我的牛仔裤褪色了。An air of faded melancholy hangs over the village.一种淡淡的悲伤气氛萦绕着村庄。She tried to ignore the faded carpet and the shabbiness of the curtains.她尽量不去注意褪色的地毯和破旧的窗帘。When the police arrived the crowd faded away.警察来到时,人群已散了。All her plans of getting together with Mary faded out.她想与玛丽在一起的打算全都落空了。The pages of the book were torn and faded.这本书的纸张已经破碎褪色了。The DJ faded in another record.主持人放了另一张唱片。The issue has faded into the background.那个问题如今已不为人所注意。Her name has faded from memory.她的名字已经慢慢淡出了人们的记忆。She spotted a faded sign in the window of a small restaurant.她在一家小饭馆的窗户上发现了个褪色的招牌。The woman wore a faded blue dress and old brown sandals.那女人穿着一件褪了色的蓝裙子和一双棕色的旧凉鞋。Marie's smile slowly faded.玛丽的微笑慢慢消失了。He's wearing faded denims and cowboy boots.他穿着褪了色的牛仔裤和一双牛仔靴。After one hit record he rapidly faded into obscurity.一个人巅峰期过后就会迅速变得默默无闻。The crisis soon faded to historical insignificance.那次危机很快就成为历史上无足轻重的陈迹。As the years passed, the memories faded away.岁月流逝,那些记忆都淡忘了。Our enchantment faded when we found that the house needed even more repairs.当我们发现房子还需要更多维修时,我们的高兴劲儿消退了。The colors had faded after years of being exposed to strong sunlight.被强烈的阳光照射多年后,色彩已褪了。The smiles faded from their faces.他们脸上的笑容消失了。The laughter faded when they saw Karl's face.他们一看到卡尔的脸色,笑声就逐渐消失了。Her name has faded from my memory. 她的名字我已经忘记了。The old and faded lights radiated a feeble glow upon the walls.那些已经褪色的古老的灯散发着微弱的红光映照在墙上。As the last notes of the song faded away, the audience began to applaud.随着这首歌最后的几个音符渐逝,听众开始鼓掌。When the last echo had faded, there was a dreadful stillness.当最后的回声消失后,出现了可怕的死寂。Exposure to the elements has faded the car's finish.由于受风吹雨打,这辆车的漆已经褪色了。He is wearing faded jeans and scuffed shoes.他穿着褪色的牛仔裤和磨破的鞋子。He waited until the sound of the engines had faded away.他等到引擎声逐渐消失。The rosy bloom of her cheeks had faded.她双颊那红润的光泽已经消失了。Her smile faded, and was replaced with a look of concern.她的笑容逐渐消失,取而代之的是一种担心的表情。The sound of their voices faded away into the distance.他们的声音渐渐消失在远处。The daylight faded almost imperceptibly into night.天色不知不觉地暗了下来。His words faded to silence as he saw she didn't believe him.看到她并不相信他,他的话音越来越低,最终沉默不语了。With most of the faded green plush seats empty around her, she felt almost proprietary about this train.四周褪了色的绿绒软座大多空着,她感到这列火车简直成了她的专列。An elderly man dressed in faded overalls took the witness stand.一位穿着褪色吊带工装裤的老人上了证人席。After a few washes the colour faded.洗几次就褪色了。She pulled on a pair of faded blue jeans.她穿上一条已经褪色的蓝色牛仔裤。His voice faded away.他的声音渐渐消失。Hope faded after wrecked remains of the ship were washed onto the shore.随着遇难船只的残片冲上岸边,人们的希望也越来越渺茫。His voice faded off into a whisper. = His voice faded to a whisper.他的声音逐渐变小,成了低语。The colour has faded in the sun.这颜色被太阳晒得褪色了。




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