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词汇 fad
例句 The new fad spread like wildfire.新的时尚元素迅速流行开来。Let's hope that these shoes are just a passing fad.就让咱们期待这种鞋只是短暂的时尚吧。Whether this is just a passing fad or a lasting fashion trend, only time will tell.这只是一时的风尚还是持久的潮流,唯有时间才能证明。That fad was relatively/remarkably long-lived.那种风尚持续的时间比较/相当长。Interest in organic food is not a fad, it's here to stay.对有机食品的兴趣不是一时的狂热,它是长久的。Hamnett does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.哈姆内特不相信对环境的关注是昙花一现。No one plays that game any more; it was only a fad.没有人再玩那种游戏了, 它只流行了一阵子。He does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.他不相信对环境的关注只是一时的风气。His interest in photography is only a passing fad.他对摄影的兴趣只是一时的爱好罢了。It's good to maintain a healthy skepticism about fad diets.对于风行一时的食疗减肥法持合理的怀疑态度是有好处的。To no one's surprise, the macarena proved to be a short-lived fad.玛卡莲娜舞风行一时也过时得快,这谁也没有感到意外。It was a fad of hers.这是她的一个怪癖。




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