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Smoking has been implicated as a cancer risk factor.吸烟被认为是一个危险的致癌因素。The team leader will be the most important factor in this difficult enterprise.在这个有难度的项目中,队长将起最重要的作用。Diet and exercise can influence a person's weight, but heredity is also a factor.节食和运动可以影响一个人的体重,而遗传也是一个因素。The might of the army could prove a decisive factor.军事力量可能会成为决定性的因素。His lack of experience was the decisive factor in my decision not to hire him.他缺乏经验是我决定不雇用他的主要原因。His formal education was a less significant factor in his upbringing than practical experience.对于教养而言,他接受的正规教育不及实际经历那么重要。Self-confidence is the key factor in any successful career.自信是任何成功之道的关键因素。We need to factor inflation into our calculations.我们应该把通货膨胀纳入计算。The trading losses alone cannot be blamed for causing the bank's collapse, but it was undoubtedly a contributing factor.虽然不能单纯地将该银行倒闭归咎于交易损失,但这无疑是促使其倒闭的一个因素。The issue of abortion rights is obviously not the only factor affecting the female vote.堕胎权问题显然并不是影响女性选票的唯一因素。She plastered herself from head to toe in high factor sun lotion.她给自己从头到脚都抹上了强效防晒露。The city's location is a plus factor for tourists.该市的位置是一个吸引游客的有利因素。Heredity is not a factor in causing the cancer.这种癌症和遗传无关。There is a lot of research that still needs to be done, but money is an important limiting factor.仍有许多研究工作尚待完成,但是资金是一个重大的制约因素。There were obvious signs of the feel-good factor in the last survey taken in the wake of the election result.选举结果公布后的最近一次调查显示,人们普遍对未来持乐观态度。Use a sun cream with a high protection factor.请使用防晒系数高的防晒霜。Classroom practice is a critical factor in children's learning.课堂练习是儿童学习的关键因素。The underlying factor in almost all suicides is the feeling of hopelessness.几乎所有自杀案的根本原因都是绝望感。The factor that distinguishes this company from the competition is customer service.使这家公司从竞争中脱颖而出的因素是它的客户服务。Stress, both human and mechanical, may also be a contributing factor.来自人的和机械方面的压力可能也是一个因素。His lack of experience was the deciding factor in my decision not to hire him.他缺乏经验是我决定不雇用他的主要因素。The weather is the overriding factor in deciding whether to cancel the picnic.天气是决定是否取消野餐的首要因素。One important factor in enjoying your work is to get on well with the people around you.要想在工作时心情舒畅,和周围的人和睦相处非常重要。Buy a high-factor sun lotion, and wear a hat for added protection.买一瓶高系数防晒霜,再戴一顶帽子作为附加的防护措施。Luck is certainly one deciding factor.运气当然是一个决定因素。Costs increased/decreased by a factor of 10. 成本上升了十倍/降低了十分之九。He's a singer who has the X factor.他是一名独具特质的歌手。Poor planning was a major factor in the company's failure.计划不周全是公司失败的一个主要原因。Endurance is an important factor of success in sports.耐力是运动中取得胜利的重要因素。Obesity is a major risk factor in many diseases.肥胖是引发多种疾病的重要因素。Money will be the key factor when we decide to buy a new house.我们决定买新房子时,钱将是主要因素。The most important factor in professional sport is psychology.职业体育比赛中最重要的因素是心理。Look for the common factor in all these cases.寻找所有这些情况的共通点。The coach's positive attitude was a contributing factor to/in the team's success. 教练的积极态度是这支队获得成功的因素之一。His poor health was a contributory factor in his decision to retire.体弱多病是使他决定退休的一个因素。Geographical distance is also a factor.地理距离也是个因素。Cost was the determining factor.成本是决定性因素。The limiting factor, at this stage, is the amount of money available.这个阶段的限制性因素是可利用的资金数额。Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for this disease.吸烟是导致这种疾病的一个危险因素。The weather could be a crucial factor in tomorrow's game.天气情况会是明天比赛一个至关重要的因素。 |