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词汇 extreme
例句 The scheme has been condemned as extreme.人们指责该计划太过极端。The took extreme measures to conserve fuel.他们采取极端的手段节约燃料。Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.他们的通信系统效率极低。This extreme view hasn't captured popular opinion.这种偏激的观点未被大众接受。Their methods may seem extreme.她们的方法似乎有些极端。She lays herself open to criticism with such unashamedly extreme views.她大言不惭地提出如此极端的观点给人留下了批评的把柄。Many physicists expressed extreme disquiet about the proposal.许多物理学家对这一提议表示极度不安。The disease, causing extreme stomach upsets, is caused by a waterborne parasite.这种导致胃部极度不适的疾病是由一种水生寄生虫引起的。They were reduced to extreme poverty.他们陷入极端贫困的状态。Her extreme youth was against her.她太年轻,这对她不利。This is an interesting psychiatric case study of a child with extreme behavioural difficulties.这是一份很有意思的精神病个案研究,研究对象是一个有严重行为障碍的小孩。Our rows become unhealthy in the extreme.我们的争吵变得极其有害。He's on the extreme right wing of the party.他属于这个政党的极右翼势力。It would be disingenuous in the extreme to pretend otherwise.装模作样是极其虚伪的表现。Violence is an extreme form of traditionally masculine behaviour.暴力是传统上男性行为的极端形式。It is doubtful that life could survive under such extreme conditions as these.在这种极端恶劣的条件下生命能否存活还很难说。In dealing with the problem he was cautious to an extreme.他在处理这个问题时谨慎得过分了。They live in the extreme south of the island.他们住在这个岛的最南端。In extreme situations, the police chief may invoke emergency powers.在极端情况下,警察局长可以行使紧急情况下的职权。The wound was photographed in extreme close-up.伤口用大特写镜头拍了照片。She went on an extreme diet.她实行严格节食。You must proceed with extreme caution.你必须特别小心行事。His voice was scornful in the extreme.他的声音听起来极为轻蔑。People are into extreme sports now.现在人们对极限运动颇感兴趣。Like most cases of extreme weather, its severity was due to an unusual confluence of events.如同大多数极端天气情况一样,其严重程度是由数个异常气象条件汇聚在一起造成的。This is hero-worship at its most extreme.这是最极端的英雄崇拜。He knows that his extreme competitiveness cuts both ways.他知道自己过于争强好胜的个性是一把双刃剑。In the extreme cold my wet shoes became frozen stiff.在严寒中我湿了的鞋子冻得硬邦邦的。She goes from one extreme to the other, and either works very hard or does absolutely nothing.她总是从一个极端到另一个极端,或者勤奋地工作,或者什么也不做。Many thought that the punishment was too extreme for the crime.很多人认为对那条罪行的处罚过重。He was well-known for his extreme political views.他以极端的政治观点而著称。The government, in a moment of extreme pettiness, had deprived them of their pensions.政府出于一时极端的吝啬,剥夺了他们的年金。The extreme cold seemed, if anything, to intensify.这极端的寒冷,如果说有什么变化的话,似乎是加剧了。The extreme cold numbed her face and hands.她的脸和手在严寒中冻得都麻木了。The plant is sensitive to extreme heat and cold.这种植物对酷热和严寒非常敏感。The city is in the extreme northern part of the state.这座城市位于这个州的最北端。They were forced to resort to desperate/extreme measures.他们被迫采取极端手段。The police were accused of using extreme violence against the protesters.警方被指控为对示威者过度地使用了暴力。By now, both were in extreme old age.如今,他们俩都已是风烛残年。Ministers have shown extreme reluctance to explain their position to the media.部长们极不情愿向媒体解释他们的立场。




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