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My boss is overloading me with extra work.上司给我太多的额外工作。You caused us a lot of extra work.你让我们多干了许多不必要的工作。He received triple pay for his extra work.他因超额工作得到三倍的报酬。He's a real glutton for punishment, taking on all that extra work without getting paid for it.他真是个任劳任怨的人,不计报酬地承担所有那些额外的工作。At the end of the day the teacher does half an hour's extra work with the slow readers.老师每天放学后给阅读能力差的学生补半个小时的课。Alice always seems willing to take on extra work without complaining.艾丽丝好像总是愿意毫无怨言地承担额外的工作。It involved a little extra work, but nobody seemed to mind.这稍微增加了一些工作量,不过似乎没人介意。The boss browbeat me into taking on all this extra work.老板威逼我接受所有这个额外的工作。Don't just dump the extra work on me.别把额外的工作都丢给我。He refuses to do any extra work except for some consideration.若无报酬他拒绝做任何额外工作。With all that extra work on her hands she'll need all the help she can get.由于她手上有那么多额外工作,她需要任何可能得到的帮助。At first I was glad to be rid of the extra work, but then I realized how much money I was losing.起初我很高兴摆脱了这些额外的工作,但后来我才发现损失了不少钱。Your unwillingness to do extra work cost you a promotion.你不愿做额外工作使你失去了升职机会。She did extra work to get back in the teacher's favor.为重新博得老师的欢心,她做了额外的作业。All the extra work I've been doing has gotten me out of the habit of exercising.一而再再而三的加班把我锻炼的习惯都给弄没了。The last thing I want is extra work.我最不愿加班。The bumping and shaking make extra work for your eyeball muscles.颠簸和摇动给眼球的肌肉带来额外的工作。Do you realize how much extra work you're letting yourself in for?你意识到你在给自己增加多少额外的工作吗?He sounded a little unhappy about the extra work he had to do.听起来他对要做额外的工作有点儿不高兴。All she needed now was for him to load her down with extra work.她现在需要他做的所有事情就是用额外的工作给她加压。All this extra work makes incursions on my free time.所有这些额外工作占用了我的闲暇时间。I keep getting extra work foisted on me.我老是被人派给额外的工作。He let himself in for a lot of extra work.他给自己招来许多额外工作。I didn't mean to land you with so much extra work.我本意不是要把这么多的额外任务推给你。He's willing to do extra work to get the project finished on time.他愿意加班以按时完成项目。She's pleased with her promotion but she'll be laughing on the other side of her face when she sees the extra work.她很高兴自己能获得晋升,不过等她明白自己要多干不少工作时恐怕就笑不出来了。She's trying to find a way to get some of that extra work off her hands.她正努力想法子减轻部分额外工作。He has done extra work on his own time.他在业余时间加班工作。 |