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例句 He got/was flamed for expressing a controversial political opinion on the Internet.他在网上发表了颇具争议的政治观点,因此有人写电子邮件辱骂他。I was expressing some amazement and wonder at her good fortune.我对她的好运既惊奇又感叹。Radio talk shows have been besieged with callers expressing outrage on the subject.电台的脱口秀节目不断地接到听众打来的电话,对所讨论的话题表示愤慨。The child's natural way of expressing himself is through play.玩耍是孩子自然表达自我的一种方式。It was his way of expressing his creativity.这是他自己表达创造力的方式。The children are expressing themselves in play.孩子们在游戏中表露自己的创造力。Young children often have difficulty expressing themselves.幼儿常常很难清楚地表达自己。There are many ways of expressing dissent.表达不同意见有许多途径。The student has trouble expressing his ideas coherently.这名学生难以条理分明地表达自己的想法。He wrote again, expressing gratitude for the help he had received.他再一次写信,对他得到的帮助表示感谢。A proverb is a simple and homely way of expressing a general truth.谚语是表达一般真理的简单浅显的方式。They have started pouring out their hearts and expressing their hopes and fears about the present situation.他们开始敞开心扉,诉说他们对现状的期望和担忧。Recording the meeting may inhibit people from expressing their real views.对会议进行记录可能会使人们不敢表达他们的真实想法。The child's natural way of expressing himself is play.孩子表达自己的本能方法就是玩耍。Twins often have difficulty expressing themselves verbally.双胞胎往往有言语表达方面的困难。He made a short speech expressing his gratitude to all those who had sent him letters of support.他作了一段简短的演说,向所有写信支持他的人表示谢意。He's not very/any good at expressing his feelings. = He's no good at expressing his feelings.他不善于表达自己的情感。She is diffident about expressing her opinions.她怯于表述自己的意见。He deliberately refrained from expressing his opinion on the matter.他刻意避免就这一问题发表看法。I'm afraid I'm not expressing myself very clearly.恐怕我没把我的意思表达清楚。Remember to be tactful when expressing a personal judgement.记住表达个人看法要婉转。He has a gift for expressing himself.他在表达方面很有天分。She wrote to him expressing her admiration.她给他写信,表达钦佩之情。Officials have lost no time in expressing their concern and grief over this incident.众官员第一时间表达了他们对这一事件的关切和悲伤。He has a hard time expressing himself.他难以表达自己的情感。He has trouble expressing his emotional needs.他难于表达他的情感需求。He seems to have difficulty relating to others and expressing his feelings.他好像不懂理解别人,不会表达自己的情感。The newcomers added their voices to the chorus expressing delight at the result.新来的人和大家一起为这个结果欢呼雀跃。Stein was expressing the view of many fellow war veterans.斯坦表达的是许多参加过战争的老兵同胞的心声。Some of her former supporters are now expressing open hostility to her leadership.一些过去支持她的人现在公开反对她的领导。I cannot forbear expressing my surprise.我禁不住表示出惊讶。They stood in silence, their uplifted faces expressing their joy.他们站着没出声,抬起的脸部流露出欢乐的神情。The little children were expressing themselves in play.那些小孩子们在游戏中表现出自己的想像力。The president issued a statement expressing her distress over the affair.总统发表声明表达她对这件事的悲痛。As a jazz performer she is astounding, capable of expressing a broad range of feeling and expression.作为一名爵士乐表演者,她能够令人惊奇地表达丰富多样的情感。He is chary of expressing his emotions.他不轻易表露情感。Fear can inhibit people from expressing their opinions.恐惧会让人们不敢表达他们的观点。He wrote to the dead man's mother expressing his deep sorrow.他写信给死者的母亲表达他深切的悲痛。He uses art as a way of expressing his feelings.他把艺术作为一种表达情感的方式。He's very/really bad at expressing his true feelings.他很不善于表达自己的真实情感




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