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词汇 explicit
例句 Non-white people are effectively excluded from certain jobs, even though such a bar isn't explicit.一些特定的工作事实上将白种人排斥在外,即便这种排斥不算明显。He was quite explicit on what he expected us to do for him.他对于盼望我们为他做的事直言不讳。The government has been quite explicit about its intentions.政府的意图表述得相当明确。An explicit statement of objectives is vital before the project begins.项目开始之前,确切地说明目标至关重要。It is important to have explicit goals.有明确的目标很重要。The film contains explicit scenes of violence.这部电影有明显的暴力镜头。I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.我明确地告诉她来这儿怎么走。The doctor gave me explicit instructions on when and how to take the medicine.大夫详细地告诉我该何时服药以及如何服药。The law is very explicit about how these measures should be enacted.关于这些措施应如何实施,这一法律有明确的表述。The information should generally be considered private unless there is explicit consent to disclose it.该信息一般应被视为私密信息,除非得到明确同意可以披露。The main political parties need to be much more explicit about their policies for the environment.这些主要的政党得更为明确地说明一下他们在环境保护方面的政策。The movie contains scenes of explicit violence.影片包含清晰的暴力镜头。He was explicit about his intention to overhaul the voting system.他对自己改革投票制度的目的直言不讳。His explicit description of the crime scene left little to the imagination.他对犯罪现场的描述十分详尽。The film contains some very explicit love scenes.这部影片含有一些露骨的性爱镜头。He has an explicit understanding of the problem.他对这个问题有清晰的了解。We cannot act without the explicit authorization of the board.没有董事会的明确许可,我们什么也不能做。The film contains sexually explicit scenes.该影片有露骨的性爱场面。He was explicit about his intention to overhaul the party's internal voting system.他直言自己的目的是改革党内的投票制度。Can you be a little more explicit?你能不能直截了当一点?The movie has some sexually explicit scenes. 这部电影有一些露骨的性爱场面。She was not explicit about what she really felt.她没有表露她真实的感受。She told him he needed to improve, without being explicit as to how.她说他需要改进,却没有明确指出如何去做。I gave you explicit instructions to be here by six o'clock.我已给了你非常明确的指示,六点钟以前到达这里。The explicit consent of each employee is required.要求每位员工都明确表示同意。Movies containing scenes of explicit sex are banned.有露骨性爱场景的电影禁止上映。Mr Beazley left explicit instructions that he wasn't to be disturbed.比兹利先生留下了明确的指示,他不希望有人打扰。The document contains an explicit denial that the company ever sold arms.文件中明确否认这家公司曾出售军火。It was his intention to make explicit in the film what was only implicit in the play.他的意图是把剧本中含而不露的意思在电影中直白地表现出来。Changes to the property can't be done without their explicit consent.没有他们的明确同意,产权变更无法完成。Branagh says that it was his intention to make explicit in the film what was only implicit in the play.布莱纳说他的用意是将剧本中的隐晦含意在电影中清晰明白地表现出来。Criticism is hinted at, but never made explicit.批评只是间接提出,从未明确给出过。We think such information should be made explicit and not left vague.我们认为这样的信息应表达清楚,不应该含糊其词。He made the rules without being explicit about them.他制定的规则并不明确。No explicit mention of a sexual relationship is made.没有明确提到性关系。Our orders were quite explicit.我们的指示十分明确。He used his most explicit language to date in discussing the danger of war.他用自己迄今最详尽的语言论及战争的危险。They were given explicit instructions.他们接到了明确的指令。He's not being very explicit about his plans, is he?他对计划表达得还不太详尽,不是吗?The film achieved notoriety for its explicit sex scenes.这部电影因其赤裸裸的性爱场面而臭名昭著。




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