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例句 The teacher patiently explained the new material.老师耐心地讲解了新教材。The phenomenon of cot death has yet to be explained.婴儿猝死的现象仍然不可解。She explained that she had never been there before, and got lost.她解释说她从没去过那里,所以迷路了。I would be the last to say that science has explained everything.我绝对不认为科学已经解释了所有事情。He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth.他解释说黄热病的流行恰好减缓了城市的扩张。His book is a massive concordance, whereby each poem Auden wrote is listed, described and explained.他的书是一部庞大的语词索引,其中奥登写的每一首诗都被列出,并加以描述和解释。I have explained everything, but even now she doesn't understand.我什么都解释了,但是尽管如此她还是不明白。 I've explained it to them.我把这件事向他们做了解释。She explained how the machine worked.她讲解了这台机器的工作原理。His reluctance to help could, in part, be explained by his poor eyesight.他不愿意帮忙,在某种程度上可能是由于他视力不好。I quickly explained that my car was out of gasoline.我赶忙解释说我车上的汽油耗尽了。I explained the issues in great detail.我详细解释了这些问题。She listened incredulously as he explained his decision.她满腹狐疑地听他解释他的决定。Don't sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you.在律师向你解释清楚合同之前,不要签署任何东西。He explained in great detail how they had met.他十分详细地解释了他们是如何相遇的。She explained how the machine worked as helpfully as she could.她尽自己所能提供帮助,详细说明机器是如何运作的。The nurse in charge explained what the treatment would be like.主管护士解释了治疗的情况。The phenomenon can be explained in various ways.这个现象可从多方面解释。The whys and the wherefores of these procedures need to be explained.这些手续的缘由需要作出解释。He explained the facts of life to his son.他向儿子讲解性知识。Sarah explained that she hadn't been feeling well recently.萨拉解释说近来她感觉不舒服。He explained why he skipped out on a live radio appearance.他解释了为什么逃避参加一次电台直播节目。He explained the rationale behind his early retirement.他解释了自己提前退休的原因。He explained the journey visually by use of pictures.他运用图片形象地讲述了这次旅行。I think my theory could be best explained by giving an example from everyday life.我想我的理论举个日常生活中的例子就能解释得最清楚。The music is explained in the extensive sleeve notes.唱片套上有对乐曲的详细说明。She explained it in terms which any reasonably well-informed person could understand.她用一些任何有一定知识面的人都能听懂的术语来解释它。The conditions are explained in the accompanying letter.这些条件在附函中予以解释。The governor explained the biennial budget proposal.州长对两年一度的财政预算提案做了说明。Professor Griffiths explained how the drug appears to work.格里菲思教授解释了那种药物的工作原理。She explained the whole idea again, but I still didn't understand.她把整个想法又解释了一遍,但我还是不明白。With uncharacteristic modesty, Will explained his contribution to the development of the film medium.威尔以难得的谦逊态度阐述了他对电影媒介的发展所作出的贡献。He explained the rules of football.他解释了橄榄球赛的规则。The man explained that he must have misdialed, and then he carefully redialed.那人解释道他一定是拨错电话号码了,接着他又小心重拨了一次。The method of helping such patients is explained in the following chapters.关于如何帮助这种病人,下面章节中将会作出解释。He explained the project to me and how my job fits in.他向我解释这个项目以及我的工作如何与之相适应。He explained that it had been a difficult film to make.他解释说这部电影很难制作。I explained to him that I had other fish to fry.我向他解释,我另有更重要的事情要干。He explained it as simply as he could, but the class still didn't understand.他尽可能解释得简单些,但学生们依然理解不了。He only partially explained his reason for leaving.他只是解释了离开的部分原因。




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