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词汇 expansion
例句 The company was now set for major expansion.公司现在正准备大规模扩张。The pace of economic expansion has moderated.经济扩张的速度已经放慢。She proposed a modest expansion of unemployment benefits.她提议适度扩大失业救济。The country was on the cusp of economic expansion.该国正处于经济扩张的当口。All these ideas for expansion were abruptly halted by the outbreak of war.所有的拓展构思都因战争爆发而突然搁置下来。The executive board has approved this expansion.执行董事会已经同意了这项扩展计划。The new factory is large, to allow room for expansion.新工厂很大,有地方可以扩展。The airport expansion is a very capital-intensive project.机场扩建是个资本密集型项目。The book is an expansion of an article.这本书是根据一篇文章的内容扩写而成的。Foreign investment fuelled / fueled this expansion.外资有力地推动了这项扩展。Now the TV channel is pressing ahead with its expansion.现在电视频道业务扩展势头迅猛。They intended to make capital expenditures for equipment and expansion.他们打算把资本开支用于购买设备和扩大规模。With economic expansion comes the promise of a more prosperous future.随着经济的发展,一个更加繁荣昌盛的未来已成为可望之事。The suburbs are an expansion of cities.郊区是城市的延伸。The company misguidedly thought that expansion was the best way to survive.公司错误地认为扩大规模是生存下来的最好方法。In order to finance expansion on this scale, the government has relied heavily on borrowing.为了在财政上支持如此规模的发展,政府严重依赖于借贷。Most developed economies are riding high on a wave of industrial expansion.大多数经济发达国家正乘着工业大发展的浪潮腾飞。The industry was approaching the limits of expansion.该行业正在接近扩张的极限。With the expansion of air travel, tourism boomed.随着航空旅行的发展,旅游业兴旺起来。Any eastward expansion would be regarded by the government as an act of aggression.任何向东扩张的行动都被该国政府认为是一种侵略行为。The company's plans for expansion have attracted scrutiny from consumer groups.公司的扩展计划吸引了各消费群体的审视。One of the driving forces behind this recent expansion is the growth of services.最近的这次经济扩张背后的主要推动力量之一是服务业的增长。The true expansion of a liquid takes into account the expansion of the container.液体的真膨胀是把容器的膨胀考虑在内的。They were living in a time when expansion to the Pacific was regarded by many people as the Manifest Destiny of the United States.在他们生活的那个年代,许多人把向太平洋扩张视为美国的天定命运论。He opposed expansion of the army and navy.他反对扩张陆军和海军。Industrial expansion was a sound investment.产业扩张是一项可靠的投资。The company believes there is scope for expansion in this sector.公司相信这一行业还有发展的空间。Coastal erosion is aggravated by the rapid expansion in tourist development.海岸线侵蚀随着旅游业的迅速发展越来越严重。The company has looked at a number of ways of financing its expansion.这家公司在千方百计为自身的扩展筹集资金。We can note, in passing, the rapid expansion of the private sector.顺带提一句,我们可以注意到私营部门的迅速扩张。This will slow the rate of monetary expansion.这项举措将会放慢货币扩张的速度。The new digital technology would allow a rapid expansion in the number of TV channels.新的数字技术将会使电视频道的数量迅速增加。The novel is an expansion of a short story he wrote about forty years ago.这部小说由他大约四十年前写的一篇短篇小说扩展而成。The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界并入了剥削性的世界体系中。The expansion of state education brought new and wider opportunities for working class children.扩大公立教育的普及面为工人阶层出身的儿童带来了更多新的机会。We need to hold the line against further expansion into our territory.我们需要抵御对我们领土的进一步侵占。The company has promised wide consultation on its expansion plans.该公司许诺就其扩张计划广泛征求意见。The economy is still showing healthy expansion.经济仍显示出健康发展的势头。A smaller tax cut would throttle economic expansion.如果减税幅度较小,将会抑制经济发展。His latest work is an expansion of themes foreshadowed in his earlier plays.他最近的作品是对其早期剧作中所预示的主题的延伸。




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