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词汇 exit
例句 You have to exit the program before starting another.你必须退出这个程序,才能打开另一个。I walked through the school's main exit.我步行穿过了学校的大门。Long queues are building up on the city's exit roads.出城道路上排起了长长的队伍。He pantomimed an exit instruction to the nurse.他示意护士出去。There's a fire exit by the downstairs ladies room.楼下女洗手间旁边有个消防出口。She pointed the way to the exit.她指出了通往出口的路。I made a hasty exit and managed to open the gate.我匆忙离开并设法打开了大门。She went into a blind panic when she couldn't find the exit.她无法找到出口,陷入了莫名的恐慌之中。They pass each other as they enter and exit the building.他们在进出大楼的时候彼此会碰上。Please take notice of the nearest emergency exit.请留意最近的紧急出口。Come off the motorway at the Duxford exit.从达克斯福德出口驶出高速公路。You need to get off at the next exit.你需要从下一个出口出去。The deal provides an exit for the company. 这笔交易给公司提供了脱身机会。Before you exit the program, remember to save your work.退出程序之前,要记住存盘。Let's try and head them towards the exit.我们试试让他们朝出口的方向走。The panic-stricken crowd pushed through the exit, and 10 people were crushed to death.惊恐万状的人群从出口处冲出,有十个人被挤死。All passengers must exit at the next stop.所有乘客必须在下一站下车。Use the emergency exit in case of fire.火灾发生时请使用紧急出口。The driver took the exit for LaGuardia.司机从通向拉瓜迪亚的出口出去。Do not enter the box until your exit is clear.出口通道通畅时方可进入网状线区域。The exit was blocked with beer crates.出口给啤酒箱堵住了。She was trying to make a graceful exit from public life.她在设法不失体面地走出公众的视野。We go back and look at our exit interviews as to why people leave.我们回过头来看一下员工离职时对其进行的面谈,以便弄清人们离开的原因。It was a rather unceremonious exit.这样离场相当唐突。I missed my exit and had to drive on.我错过了要走的出口,只得继续往前开。There was a stampede for the exit.大家都争先恐后地朝出口涌去。She missed the exit and had to turn around.她错过了出口,只得转回来。I was wandering round Belgrade Airport looking for the exit.我在贝尔格莱德机场转来转去地找寻出口。I was already on my feet, straining for the exit.我已经站起来,拼命向出口处挤去。The fear is that we have no exit strategy from this conflict.可怕的是对于这场冲突我们没有撤军计划。Maddie made a run for the exit.马迪朝出口跑去。The team is likely to make a quick play-off exit.这支队伍可能会在加时赛中很快出局。A bad exit can cause the rigging lines to tangle.离舱动作不好会导致降落伞吊索纠结。The driver cut across three lanes of traffic to get to his exit and nearly caused an accident.司机突然转向,穿过三条车道赶到出口,差点造成事故。He strode the halls of the building, looking for the exit.他在大楼的过道里大步走著,寻找出口。We made a dash for the exit.我们朝出口奔去。The exit sign is marked with an arrow.出口由一个箭头标记。A dozen or so armed guards formed a ring around the exit.十几名武装的卫兵在出口处围成一圈。The exit is this way, ladies and gentlemen.女士们,先生们,出口在这边。Her exit seemed suitably dramatic.她的退场很富戏剧性,但似乎又是在情理之中。




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