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词汇 exists
例句 A very real danger exists of the conflict becoming internationalized.现在有一个真正的危险,那就是冲突的国际化。In the Christian tradition, the world exists only as an act of divine favour.在基督教的传统观念中,世界之所以存在只是因为有神灵庇佑。There now exists a significant body of scientific research on the subject.这门学科现在有一个非常重要的科研机构。A variety of accommodation exists in outer suburbs south of the river.河南面的远郊有各种各样的住所。Water exists in three states: liquid, gaseous, and solid.水有三种状态: 液态、气态和固态。In totalitarian societies, art exists for didactic purposes.在极权社会里,艺术只为教化的目的而存在。Time travel exists only in the realm of science fiction.时间旅行只存在于科幻小说的领域。The problem only exists inside his head.这个问题只存在于他的脑子里。The system already exists in embryo.该体系已具雏形。It is probable that life exists outside of our planet.在我们星球之外的地方可能还存在着生命。Much parliamentary procedure is not written but exists as the custom and practice of Parliament.许多议会流程并不成文,而是作为议会的惯例而存在。The suspicion exists that Harris is stealing money from the company safe.有人怀疑说哈里斯从公司保险箱偷钱。There is no positive proof that life exists on other planets.没有确凿证据证明其他星球上存在生命。Child cruelty exists at all levels of society.虐待儿童的现象在社会各阶层都存在。Fierce competition exists between schools in the area.在该地区学校间存在激烈的竞争。Critics point out that poverty still exists.批评者指出贫穷仍然存在。Racism still exists to varying degrees.种族主义仍不同程度地存在着。Superwoman exists only in the minds of journalists and Hollywood producers.超级女人只存在于记者和好莱坞制片人的脑子里。For the refugees, home exists only in their imagination.对于这些难民来说,家是遥不可及的事。The whole universe exists eternally in that one infinite being.整个宇宙在无限的空间中永生。A whole myriad of options exists for us.我们有无数多的选择。A strong spiritual bond exists between them.他们俩在精神上紧密相通。It's not just that a gulf exists in living standards — there's a psychological ravine.不仅仅是生活水平上存在巨大差异,心理上也有鸿沟。Poverty still exists in this country.这个国家仍存在贫困现象。Freon exists both in liquid and gaseous states.氟利昂有液、气两种形态。The technology already exists to do this.已经存在做到这一点的技术。No record of this letter exists in the archives.档案里没有关于这封信的记录。Disagreement exists over the pattern of demand for coal.在煤的需求结构上存在分歧。Individuals can feel that inequity exists when they are undercompensated.人在得不到足够补偿时会觉得存在不公。At present, no widely approved vaccine exists for malaria.目前,还没有被广泛认可的疟疾疫苗。Racial segregation in schools still exists in some southern states.南方有些州的学校依旧存在种族隔离制度。The system that guaranteed lifetime employment no longer exists.保证终生就业的制度再也不存在了。No price point exists for the machine yet.目前还没有确定这种机器的价格。Considerable doubt exists as to the precise origin of this custom.对该风俗的确切起源存在着相当大的疑问。He exists on a diet of kebabs, fags, and booze.他靠吃烤肉串、抽烟和喝酒度日。A school dental service exists in theory, but in practice, there are few dentists to work in them.照理说,学校也有牙医诊所,可实际上,里面的牙医寥寥无几。It is possible that life exists on other planets.其他星球上也可能有生命存在。Slavery still exists in many parts of the world.在世界上许多地方奴隶制依然存在。The technology to allow relief workers to contact the outside world via satellite already exists.能够让救援人员通过卫星与外界联系的技术已经存在。What disturbs me most is the racial double standard that exists in foreign policy: Predominantly white countries are given aid and attention while predominantly non-white countries are ignored.最让我不安的是对外政策中的种族双重标准:以白人为主的国家获得帮助和重视,而非白人为主的国家却遭受忽视。




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