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词汇 excuse
例句 I made some excuse and bolted for the exit.我编了个借口后便向出口冲去。She seized on every excuse to avoid doing the work.为避免做这件事她抓住每一个借口。He made some excuse or other.他找了某个借口。His youth is no excuse for his irresponsible behavior.不能因为他的年轻而原谅他不负责任的行为。He finally turned in a blotted excuse for a composition.他最后交上了一篇墨迹斑斑的作文。Please excuse me for being so late today.请原谅我今天来得太晚了。She palmed him off with the excuse that she had no money.她借口没钱把他打发走了。He knowingly broke the law, he's got no excuse.他触犯法律是明知故犯,没有任何可以开脱的借口。There are people just waiting for an excuse to do you a mischief.有人正巴望着有借口来伤害你。Wary of becoming entangled in her friend's family quarrels, Eileen made an excuse and left.艾琳唯恐卷入朋友的家庭纠纷,借故离开了。My teacher rejected my excuse for being late.我的老师不肯相信我的迟到理由。A conservatory offers the perfect excuse to let your imagination run riot.音乐学院让你有充分的理由任想象力自由驰骋。Not surprisingly, this excuse was too much for them to swallow.不出所料,他们无法接受这个借口。You had better have a cast-iron excuse for missing the meeting.你最好给你缺席会议找一个没有破绽的借口。Oh, excuse me. I didn't notice you standing there.哦,对不起,我没注意到你站在那儿。The political crisis is being used as an excuse to dock people's pay.政治危机被用作扣减工资的借口。Please excuse my discourtesy in not coming to meet you in person.没能亲自迎接您,请原谅我的失礼。He concocted an elaborate excuse for why he couldn't come in to work today.他为今天不能来上班精心编造了一个借口。Oh, excuse me, is that your bag I just stood on?噢,对不起,我刚才站的是你的包吗?He thought he could fob me off with some weak excuse about being too busy to talk.他以为他可以用忙得没时间谈话这种蹩脚的借口来搪塞我。It was just another excuse for them to bash social workers.这只是他们公开抨击社会工作者的又一个借口。That doesn't excuse her behaviour.那并不能为她的行为开脱。She's always ready with a glib excuse.她老是有圆滑的借口。She was trying to think up an excuse.她在想法编出一个借口。Please excuse my tardiness.请原谅我迟到了。National security is the stock excuse for keeping things confidential.国家安全常被用作对一些事情保密的挡箭牌。It's just an excuse for a party.这只不过是找个借口聚会罢了。His excuse was that he had acted in good faith.他辩解说他当时是出于好心。Please excuse the offence this time: I will not do it again.请原谅这次冒犯:我以后再也不会了。Saying excuse me, pardon me, Seaton pushed his way into the crowded living room.西顿一边说对不起、借过,一边挤过人群进入拥挤的客厅。My lame excuse was that I had too much to do.我给出的蹩脚理由是太忙。I'm trying to find an excuse for missing the office party.我正要找个不去办公室聚会的接口。There can be no excuse for the mistreatment of people seeking asylum in this country.没有理由粗暴对待在这个国家里寻求避难的人。He became moody and unreasonable, flailing out at Katherine at the slightest excuse.他变得喜怒无常、不可理喻,为点儿鸡毛蒜皮的小事就殴打凯瑟琳。I didn't realize this was a formal party, so I hope you can excuse my appearance.我不知道这是个正式的聚会,所以请原谅我的穿着打扮。She spluttered an excuse.她慌慌张张地找了个理由。He came out with such an elaborate excuse that I didn't quite believe him.他突然说了那么一大套理由,我不太相信他。I'll try to get them to excuse me from the meeting.我要想办法让他们不叫我去开会。He is too uncompromising to excuse the children's mistakes.他坚决不肯原谅孩子们的错误。Solitude was no excuse for sloppiness.独居不是邋遢的理由。




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