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词汇 excluded
例句 It's a meeting for shareholders only, and the press are excluded.这是个仅有股东们参加的会议,不接受新闻界的采访报道。Women in such societies are effectively excluded from public affairs.这类社会中的妇女实际上被排斥在公共事务之外。These children have all been excluded from mainstream schools.这些孩子都被排斥在主流学校之外。Couples who are childless can feel excluded from the rest of society.没有子女的夫妇会觉得受到社会上其他人的排斥。Most of the urban poor are effectively excluded from politics.城市里的大部分穷人实际上都不能参与政治。The military court which tried him excluded two of his lawyers.审判他的军事法庭拒绝让他的两位律师出庭辩护。Non-white people are effectively excluded from certain jobs.一些特定的工作事实上将非白种人排斥在外。Social workers have excluded sexual abuse as a reason for the child's disappearance.社会工作者排除了这个孩子失踪是因为遭受性虐待的可能性。Such words are excluded from polite conversation.这些语词在文明谈话中是不能使用的。Women were excluded from the club.女性被排除在这个俱乐部之外。The press had been deliberately excluded from the event.这一事件有意不让记者参加。Tubes are the ideal container for paint as air is excluded.软管不透气,因而是装颜料的理想容器。Sarah heard the other girls talking and laughing and felt excluded.萨拉听见其他女孩又说又笑,感觉自己受到了排斥。Certain words should be excluded from polite conversation. 某些词语不应该用于礼貌的交谈中。They complained at being excluded from the meeting.他们因未能参加会议而抱怨。Women were excluded from the poll.妇女被排斥,不让参加选举。They were excluded from the pension programs.他们被排除在领取养老金的范围之外。Many local people felt excluded from decisions that affected their own community.许多当地人感到无法参与制定影响自己所在社区的决定。The court excluded the confession wrongly obtained by the police.法院没有采纳警方通过不正当方法获得的供词作为证据。Unlawfully obtained evidence is not automatically excluded from a criminal trial.非法获得的证据并不自动排除在刑事审判之外。The report concluded that far more boys were excluded each year than girls.这篇报告得出结论说,每年被开除的男生人数远远超过女生。Usually, both creditors and debtors are excluded from the sale.一般来说,债权人和债务人都不得参与拍卖。The Academy excluded women from its classes.该学院不招收女性学员。Non-white people are effectively excluded from certain jobs, even though such a bar isn't explicit.一些特定的工作事实上将白种人排斥在外,即便这种排斥不算明显。Stack belongs to a country club that once excluded blacks and Jews from membership.斯塔克是一家乡村俱乐部的成员,该俱乐部以前曾经拒绝黑人和犹太人参加。These youths have been excluded from school for four or five years.这些年轻人已经被学校开除四五年了。Pupils could be excluded from school for insolence.学生可能会因傲慢无礼而被开除。Kids who are excluded from school often end up getting into trouble with the police.被学校开除的孩子最后往往和警察惹上麻烦。The possibility of error cannot be absolutely excluded.出错的可能性无法绝对排除。Men are such jerks—present company excepted/excluded, of course.男人们如此愚蠢,当然,在座的除外。The army should be excluded from political life.军队不应该涉足政治。Certain groups tend to be excluded from full participation in society.某些群体往往被排斥而不能充分参与社会活动。Those espousing unpopular views were often excluded.那些拥护非主流观点的人常常受到排挤。The Academy excluded women from its classes.该学院不招收女学生。The club excluded women from membership.该俱乐部拒绝妇女入会。The possibility of food poisoning has been excluded.食物中毒的可能性已被排除。Britain was excluded from the list.英国被排除在名单之外。Climate change contrarians say they have been excluded from the debate.对气候变化持非主流意见的人说他们被排除在了讨论之外。Some of the data was specifically excluded from the report.这篇报道特意不包括有些数据。Women have often been excluded from positions of power in the public sphere.女性常常被排除在公共领域的实权职位之外。




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