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词汇 excesses
例句 The film portrays the wild excesses of the Roman Empire.影片描写了罗马帝国的极度放纵。I grant you that there have been excesses here and there. But this happens in any popular national struggle.我承认各地出现了一些过激行为,但是这种现象在任何大规模民族斗争中都在所难免。The newspaper commissioned a series of articles on the worst excesses of the fashion industry.报社请人撰写了一系列针砭时装业极端倾向的文章。These excesses will undoubtedly redound to their country's disfavour.这些极端行为无疑将加深对他们国家的危害。His excesses lead to the breakup of his family.他的过分行为导致了家庭的破裂。He apologized for his past excesses.他为自己以前的放肆道歉。Washington has always been a city of wretched excesses.华盛顿一直都是一个极度放纵的城市。The article describes the vulgar excesses of the newly rich.文章描写了那些暴发户种种庸俗放肆的行为。The invaders looted, burned houses and committed other excesses as they marched through the countryside.侵略军穿过乡村地区时劫掠放火,并犯有其他残暴罪行。The excesses committed by the invaders will never be forgotten.人们永远不会忘记侵略军犯下的暴行。The measures represented a consensus that people and the environment must be protected from the excesses of the market.这些措施反映了一个共识,即必须保护人与环境免受市场过度开发的影响。His excesses shortened his life.饮食无度使他折寿。We were witness to the worst excesses of the military.我们目击了最恶劣的军队暴行。The movie embraces all the worst excesses of popular American culture.这部电影展现了美国流行文化中所有最恶劣的行径。Some of the landowners were a law unto themselves. There was nobody to check their excesses and they exploited the people.某些土地所有者目无法纪。他们横行霸道,鱼肉乡民。But still the economy is not showing signs of any of the excesses that normally presage a recession.但经济仍未显露出任何过剩的迹象,这些迹象通常预示经济衰退。




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