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词汇 event
例句 Call the police in the event of an emergency.万一紧急情况就打电话给警察。This event has been effectively erased from written records.这一事件从文字记载中被有效地抹去了。Greenpeace refused to call off the event.绿色和平组织拒绝取消这一活动。It promises to be an enormously enjoyable event.这很有可能是非常好玩的事。The first three participants to place in each event will receive medals.每个项目的前三名选手将获得奖牌。The school trip has become an annual event.学校组织的旅行成了每年都要举行的活动。The political symbolism of the event was not lost on anyone.这次事件的政治象征意义对人们依然有影响。The referee at boxing can disqualify a competitor in the event of a foul.拳击裁判员如遇比赛者犯规,可取消其比赛资格。The event became the divide between two eras of Chinese history.那次事件成了中国历史上两个时代的分界线。He asked people to tell him about a meaningful event or period in their lives.他让人们讲讲他们生命中的重要事件或者阶段。She was forced to cancel her appearance as keynote speaker at the event.她被迫取消了露面,不再担任活动的主题发言人。This terrible event is etched forever in my memory.这一可怕事件永远深深地印刻在我的记忆中。His withdrawal from the event was seen as a deliberate snub to the organizers.他的退赛被认为是对组织者的有意怠慢。The event was held in the precincts of the parish church.该行动是在教区教堂周围举行的。They deserve respect for making the event happen, and they get extra credit for doing it in a way that included everyone.他们促成这项活动的开展就值得尊重,而他们设法让每个人都参与进来则应得到特别嘉奖。His son's death was the most traumatic event in Stan's life.儿子的死是斯坦一生中最大的创伤。If we talk up the event, people will come.如果我们把这事好好宣传一下,人们一定会来的。Unfortunately, the entire evening was a total non-event.遗憾的是,整个晚上都没什么特别有趣的事。A new range of stamps will be issued to commemorate the event.将要发行一套新邮票来纪念这个事件。Four years after the event, the scientist's suicide remains a complete mystery.该科学家自杀四年之后,真相仍然是一个谜团。The bank can seize the asset in the event of a default in payment.如果拖欠付款的话,银行可以没收该项资产。The organizers hadn't anticipated the huge interest there was in the event.组织者没有预料到这一活动会引起人们这么大的兴趣。He described the event to his friends in excruciating detail.他向朋友们描述了那一事件,详细得简直让人受不了。The doors can be manually operated in the event of fire.发生火灾时,这些门可以手动开关。The birth of a baby is truly a blessed event.生个孩子真是喜事。The event was given wide media coverage.这个事件被媒体广为报道。The birth of a live healthy baby is a truly blessed event.一个健康活泼的宝宝的诞生真是欢天喜地的事。Sue's party was a total non-event. Only five people turned up.休的聚会没劲极了,只有五个人来参加。After all that media attention, the whole event turned out to be a bit of a damp squib, with very few people attending.那次活动虽然媒体很关注,但来参加的人却寥寥无几,与预期相差甚远。An air of solemnity hung over the event.庄严的气氛笼罩着整个事件。The concert is an annual event.音乐会是一项年度活动。In the event that a fire occurs go to the nearest exit.假如火灾发生了,到最近的出口。Their efforts to manage the event were uncoordinated.他们没有协调好处理此次事件的工作。The event was celebrated in song by a folk group.这项活动通过一个民间团体唱歌的形式来庆祝。The event doesn't start till tomorrow.这个活动明天才开始。The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest.由于反应冷淡,这一活动被无限期地搁置了。The cross-country section of the three-day event was held here yesterday.为期三天的赛事中的越野赛昨天在此举办。Television coverage of the event was truncated by a technical fault.对比赛的电视直播因技术故障而被缩短。In any event, the bowling alley restaurant proved quite acceptable.无论如何,那个保龄球场的餐厅证明还是很不错的。We knew that we couldn't organize such a big event all by ourselves.我们知道自己无法独力组织这么大的活动。




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