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词汇 euphoria
例句 Once the euphoria surrounding this victory subsides, reality must return.这场胜利的喜悦退去后,人们将不得不回归现实。The euphoria that new parents feel quickly changes to exhaustion.初为父母者很快就从异常兴奋变得精疲力尽。These substances produce euphoria when taken in small doses.小剂量摄入这些化学品会让人产生兴奋感。The initial euphoria following their victory in the election has now subsided.他们选举获胜之初的狂喜现在已经平静下来了。By then, the euphoria over the fall of the Berlin Wall had evaporated.到那时,柏林墙倒塌带来的欣喜已消失殆尽。Company bosses have come back down to earth with a bump after a period of post-election euphoria.公司老总们在经历选举后的狂喜之后已经清醒过来。After the euphoria of yesterday's celebrations, the country will come down to earth today.昨天兴高采烈的庆祝之后,今天这个国家将回到现实。There was a general atmosphere of pessimism after the euphoria of last year.去年一阵狂喜过后出现了普遍的悲观气氛。His initial surge of euphoria was quickly followed by dismay.他最初的一阵兴奋很快变为沮丧。The euphoria is giving way to a more sober assessment of the situation.兴高采烈的情绪不见了,取而代之的是对局面更为清醒的认识。The news prompted a wave of euphoria.这个消息激起了一阵狂喜。After he won, he lived through a day or two of euphoria.取胜后,他过了一两天兴高采烈的日子。The drug produces intense feelings of euphoria.那种毒品能使人产生强烈的极度兴奋感。They were carried along on a tide of euphoria.他们也喜不自禁。The news sparked a wave of euphoria across the country.这则消息让全国上下一片欢腾。And then, suddenly, the euphoria began to drain away.接着,突然之间,这种极度愉悦感就开始消散了。There was euphoria after the elections.选举后一片兴高采烈。The initial euphoria over democracy seemed greatly dulled.开始时对民主的那种高涨情绪似乎大大减退。The whole country experienced a period of euphoria after winning the war.战争胜利以后的一段时期内,举国上下一片喜气洋洋。




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