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词汇 estate
例句 Two neighbourhood wardens patrol the housing estate.两位社区管理员巡视住宅区。He sells real estate.他销售房地产。He planned to marry and produce an heir for his estate.他计划结婚并为自己的财产生一名继承人。A British woman is waiting to hear how she can reclaim a family estate inside the former Soviet Union.一名英国女子在等待消息,希望得知如何领回前苏联境内的家族地产。The estate is a producer of high-quality wines.该酒庄是高品质葡萄酒的生产商。Remember, the estate agent is working for the vendor.记住,房地产代理商是为房地产卖方服务的。The estate descended to her from her grandparents. 这笔遗产是她祖父母传给她的。They lived in a tied cottage on the estate.他们住在庄园的一座雇工农舍里。He screamed off and we could hear him giving it some stick around the estate.他拼命尖叫,我们在庄园周围都能听见他用力大叫的声音。His estate borders upon mine.他的住宅和我的挨着。But getting back to what the real estate agent said, do you think we could get more for the house if we had it painted first?现在回到房产经纪人说的话,你说我们要是先把房子粉刷一下,价钱就能卖得更高吗?She inherited her father's estate.她继承了父亲的遗产。Real estate lending has become the biggest growth area for American banks.房地产贷款已经成了美国银行业增长最快的业务领域。The young prince is the heir to a vast estate in the west of the country.这位年轻的王子是该国西部大片地产的继承人。Perhaps the landlord's getting a backhander from the estate agent.也许房东从房屋经纪人那里得到回扣。He willed his entire estate to the church. = He willed the church his entire estate.他立下遗嘱,将全部财产赠予教会。I called the real estate agent. The contract's been sewn up, and we can move into the apartment next week.我给房产经纪人打过电话了,合同已经订好,我们下星期就可以搬进公寓住了。A good estate agent will know the best ways to publicize the fact that your home is for sale.一个好的房产经纪人知道如何用最好的办法来对外宣传你的住房要出售。The estate reverted to a distant cousin.房地产权归还给了一位远房表兄。His mother's small estate had passed to him after her death.他母亲死后留给他一小笔遗产。He began to take over the management of the estate.他开始接手管理那宗产业。The real estate business is thriving.房地产生意兴隆。The property is part of the deceased's estate.这财产是死者的部分遗产。The money will be used for the estate's upkeep.这笔钱将用于物业维护。They were advised by the real estate agent that their house would not be saleable.房地产经纪人说他们的房子不能出售。Upon his death, the estate devolved to/on/upon a distant cousin. 他去世后,遗产由一位远亲继承。There will be a dispute about the rightful succession to her estate.对于她产业的合法继承权将有一场争论。They bought real estate in the expectation of a rise in prices.他们购进了房地产期望升值。She had to settle her aunt's estate after her death.她只得在姑姑去世后将其遗产分了。He made over the whole estate to his son.他把全部财产转让给了自己的儿子。She left the residue of her estate to her daughter.她把剩余遗产留给了女儿。He made it big in real estate.他干房地产很成功。He left the residue of his estate to a nephew.他把剩余的不动产留给了他的侄子。Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate.日本公司已经由生产型企业转而从事金融和房地产业。They are partners in the real estate business.他们是这家房地产企业的合伙人。The first act was laid at a country estate.第一幕的场景是座乡间庄园。We toured the grounds of the estate.我们参观了庄园的庭院。Her uncle's will lotted most of the estate to her.她叔父立的遗嘱把大部分财产分给了她。The bulk of his estate was bequeathed to his son Jacob.他的大部分遗产都遗赠给了他的儿子雅各布。He retired to his estate and lived the life of a country gentleman.他退隐庄园,过着乡绅的生活。




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