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词汇 erratic
例句 Our rowboat's course was erratic after we lost the oars.丢了桨之后我们划艇的航向飘忽不定。Her heart rate had been erratic but eventually steadied.她之前心率异常,但最终稳定下来了。The stock market has been erratic recently.股票市场近来涨落不定。She is a very erratic tennis player.她是个极其难以捉摸的网球手。He's a good footballer, but erratic.他是个优秀的足球运动员,只是状态不稳定。He drove in an erratic course down the road.他开车忽左忽右地在路上行驶。Heating was difficult owing to erratic supplies of gas, electricity and water.取暖困难是由于煤气、电力和水的供应不正常造成的。His behavior seemed erratic.他的行为似乎很古怪。The company's erratic performance is a cause for some concern.公司业绩不稳定引起了一些人的关注。He's an erratic shooter.他是个发挥不稳定的射手。Argentina's erratic inflation rate threatens to upset the plans.阿根廷动荡不定的通货膨胀率可能会破坏那些计划。Businessmen are displeased with erratic economic policy-making.商界人士对变化无常的经济决策很是恼火。A taxi driver reported an erratic driver on Todd Street.一位出租车司机报告说在托德街有一个司机开车横冲直撞。Her husband was a folk singer who'd had an erratic lifestyle.她的丈夫是个民谣歌手,生活习惯很不规律。His erratic behaviour canceled the good impression he had made previously.他的古怪行为抵消了以前他给人留下的好印象。His breathing was becoming erratic.他的呼吸变得很不均匀。His first season at Old Trafford has been plagued by erratic form.他在老特拉福德球场度过的第一个赛季就因为表现不稳定而饱受困扰。Her behaviour was becoming more and more erratic.她的行为变得越来越反复无常。!His movements were erratic and unusual.他行踪无定,不同寻常。She can be very erratic; one day she is friendly and the next she'll hardly speak to you.她喜怒无常,今天待你很友好,明天又懒得理你。Cocaine withdrawal can be characterized by erratic behaviour.可卡因脱瘾过程可能出现行为古怪的特点。The light flashes at erratic intervals.那盏灯忽明忽暗地闪烁不定。Martin's latest play is as schizoid and erratic as its characters.马丁的新剧本和剧中的人物一样,自相矛盾,难以捉摸。




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