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词汇 equivalent
例句 Some idiomatic phrases don't translate literally, so you have to find an equivalent.有些短语不能按字面意思翻译,因此必须找对应的说法。Some concepts in Chinese medicine have no exact equivalent in Western medicine.中医的一些概念在西医中没有完全一样的对应物。This qualification is the equivalent of a degree.这一资格相当于大学学位。Domestic partnerships are not yet equivalent to marriage in the eyes of the law.在法律上同性伴侣关系尚未等同于婚姻。It is common to ask for the equivalent of a month's rent as a deposit.要求交一个月的房租作押金是很常见的。I had no dollars, but offered him an equivalent amount of sterling.我没有美金,但给了他等值的英镑。Women were paid less than men doing equivalent work.做同样的工作女性比男性得到的工资少。Allowing him to leave prison now would be equivalent to saying that his crime was not serious.允许他现在离开监狱就等于说他的罪行不严重。The US Congress is roughly equivalent to the British Parliament.美国的国会大致相当于英国的议会。The landlord asked for the equivalent of one month's rent as a deposit.房东要求用一个月的房租作为押金。It is the approximate equivalent in height to the Matterhorn.这个高度与马特峰接近。Those less-known companies manufacture equivalent products at cheaper prices.那些不太出名的公司生产同样的产品,价格却更便宜。This concert hall is the American equivalent to London's Albert Hall.这个音乐厅可称得上是美国的伦敦艾伯特音乐厅。The gesture was equivalent to a flag of truce in civilized warfare.这个手势相当于文明战争中的停战旗。His party has just suffered the equivalent of a near-fatal heart attack.他所在的政党刚刚经历了一次类似心脏病突发般几近致命的打击。These first computers were equivalent in power to a modern calculator.这些最初的计算机与现代计算器功能等同。There is no exact male equivalent for witches.没有和女巫完全对等的男性角色。A meme is the cultural equivalent of the unit of physical heredity, the gene.文化中的模因相当于遗传中的基因。A dime is the equivalent of two nickels.一角硬币等于两个五分镍币。If these prizes are not in stock we will send you an equivalent gift of the same value.如果这些奖品没有现货,我们将寄一种同等价值的礼品给你。The misery of such a position is equivalent to its happiness.这种职位的甘苦相当。She's doing the equivalent job in the new company but for more money.她在新公司做同样的工作,但薪水比以前高。Applicants should have a BSc or equivalent degree.申请者应有理科学士学位或同等学力。The two women hold substantially equivalent positions in the two companies.这两位女士在这两家公司中的职位大体相当。A meter is equivalent to 39.37 inches.一米相当于三十九点三七英寸。A unit is equivalent to a glass of wine.一个单位相当于一杯葡萄酒。His reply is equivalent to a refusal.他的回答等于是拒绝。The equivalent of the accident was never repeated on the road.这条路上再也没有出过这样的事故。The helmets are designed to withstand impacts equivalent to a fall from a bicycle.头盔设计的承受力相当于从自行车上摔下的冲击力。The campaign says that hunters are the moral equivalent of murderers.这一运动宣称,在道德层面上捕猎者等同于杀人犯。The equivalent of two tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day.每天相当于两大汤匙多重不饱和油的量就足够了。His monthly US salary is equivalent to a year's pay here in Mexico.他在美国一个月的工资相当于墨西哥这里的一年工资。His newspaper column is the journalistic equivalent of candy.他在报纸中撰写的专栏就好比是新闻大餐中的糖果。The gangsters offered him a sum equivalent to a whole year's earnings.歹徒提出要给他一笔相当于他一年收入的钱。Users say the word they want in English and the translator speaks the equivalent word back in French, German, or Spanish.使用者用英语说出他们想表达的词,翻译用法语、德语或西班牙语说出对应词。They will react with hostility to the price rises and calls for equivalent wage increases are bound to be heard.他们将会强烈反对价格上涨,同时肯定会要求相应地增加工资。




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