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Born a poor boy in Kansas, he lived the American dream as a successful inventor.一个出身于堪萨斯州的穷小子,他实现了美国梦,成了一名成功的发明家。The president's speech was a call to arms to restore the vitality of the American dream.总统的演讲是为了重振美国梦而发出的入伍参战号召。With good jobs, a nice house, two children, and plenty of money, they believed they were living the American dream.拥有不错的工作、漂亮的房子、两个孩子和大把钞票,他们相信他们正实现着美国梦。They went there to claim a piece of the American dream for themselves.他们去那里,称要实现他们的美国梦。The classic American dream is to go from rags to riches in one generation.最典型的美国梦就是经过一代人的努力就可以从赤贫发展到暴富。 |