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词汇 entertainment
例句 They hired a band for the entertainment of the guests. 他们为了招待客人,雇了一个乐队。There is a piano bar for evening entertainment.有间钢琴吧供晚间消遣娱乐。The western is escapist entertainment.西部片是人们逃避现实的娱乐形式。She was delighted in entertainment of friends and relatives.她乐于招待亲友。The movies were bought for their entertainment value.购买这些电影是基于其娱乐价值。What they have done is fuse two different types of entertainment, the circus and the rock concert.他们所做的就是把马戏表演和摇滚音乐会这两种不同类型的娱乐形式糅合了起来。Passengers can enjoy free nightly entertainment.乘客们可以享受免费的晚间娱乐活动。We'd like to have a fine entertainment this evening, but who will pay the fiddler?今天晚上我们想去好好享乐一番,可是谁来负担这笔费用呢?The resort offers endless possibilities for entertainment.度假胜地提供数不尽的娱乐活动。The film panders to the popular taste for violence in entertainment.电影迎合了娱乐圈中流行的对暴力的喜好。What passes for entertainment around here?在这儿什么算是消遣啊?A jazz band provided the entertainment, while people ate and drank under the stars.当人们在星空下享用美酒佳肴时,一支爵士乐队为大家演奏助兴。No cinema director had a more profound effect in pushing the envelope of acceptable family entertainment.在挑战家庭娱乐片的接受程度方面,没有哪个电影导演比他的影响更深远。The television was his only source of entertainment.电视是他唯一的娱乐。The leading piece of entertainment news in the US is the Oscars.美国的娱乐新闻头条是奥斯卡奖颁奖晚会。The holiday price includes entertainment in the evenings, and there are optional excursions on offer every day.度假费用包含晚上的娱乐活动,而且每天都有自愿参加的短途游览。Jennifer O'Neill heads the cast of this original entertainment.珍妮弗·奥尼尔是这个原创娱乐节目的领衔主演。The casino is the largest entertainment destination in the state.这个赌场是本州最大的娱乐场所。The second half easily surpassed the first in entertainment value.下半场比赛的精彩程度远胜于上半场。He performs magic tricks for entertainment.他变魔术是为了消遣。This law applies to all places of public entertainment.这一法律适用于一切公共娱乐场所。Vote for your top light entertainment show.投票选出你心中最佳的轻松娱乐节目。The director pointed out that the zoo provided no entertainment as such.这位主管指出动物园不提供任何所谓的娱乐活动。The reorganization will transform the entertainment industry.这次重组将使娱乐业大为改观。I am offended that your entertainment expert should make such a mistake and hereby request a formal apology.令我感到气愤的是,你们的娱乐节目专家竟然会犯这样的错误,我特此要求你们向我正式道歉。Gambling is a form of entertainment.赌博是一种娱乐。There's something charminglyold-fashioned about his brand of entertainment.他自成一格的表演有一种迷人的旧情调。They provided lavish entertainment for their guests.他们为客人安排了丰富多彩的娱乐活动。The Internet has blurred the boundary between news and entertainment.因特网模糊了新闻与娱乐的界限。They strangely perceive television as entertainment.奇怪的是,他们居然将电视看作娱乐。Television is his only entertainment.看电视是他唯一的消遣。It's pure entertainment and there's nothing wrong with that.这纯属娱乐活动,没什么问题。TV studios repackage real-life dramas as entertainment.电视台把现实生活的戏剧性情节重新包装成娱乐节目。He gets an entertainment allowance and a clothes allowance from work.他从单位领取招待费和置装费。You'll need to provide continuous organized entertainment or children may get over-excited.你要提供连贯有序的娱乐活动,否则孩子们就会玩疯了。Do you regard film as entertainment or as an art?你认为电影是一种娱乐还是一种表演艺术?The company's core operations include entertainment and aviation.公司的核心业务包括娱乐和航空。They make him emcee in an entertainment outfit.他们叫他当文娱演出团体的主持人。The hours spent in front of the tube mean that children aren't participating in other forms of entertainment.在电视机前花掉许多时间意味着孩子们没有参加其他的娱乐活动。There will be live entertainment to add to the party atmosphere.将有现场娱乐节目增加聚会的气氛。




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