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词汇 ensemble
例句 She wore an elegant three-piece ensemble.她身穿优雅的三件套女服。He has also formed an exciting ensemble from his dancers.他还将他的舞蹈演员们组成了一个人们非常喜欢的舞蹈团。We went to listen to a new jazz ensemble.我们去听了一个新的爵士乐合奏。This is an amateur ensemble.这是一个小型的业余合唱团。The actor performed an ensemble piece.这名演员承担了整场演出。A small ensemble played boisterous jigs.一个小乐团演奏了欢快热闹的吉格舞曲。The coat, hat, and shoes make an attractive ensemble.这外套、帽子和鞋子配成一套引人注目的服装。Foote's most recent play, 'Dividing the Estate,' is an ensemble piece.福特的最新戏剧《分房产》是个合演剧目。Matching bag and accessories provide a complete ensemble of colour coordinates.颜色协调的包和饰品使全套服装的颜色搭配齐全了。He has mastered enough of the complexities of arrangement to write and score a piece for a chamber music ensemble.他对改编的复杂之处已有了足够的掌握,能够谱写一部室内合奏曲了。The state is an ensemble of political and social structures.国家是一个政治结构和社会结构的组合体。The strength of the ensemble playing makes it difficult to praise any one actor in particular.合演的效果让人很难只单独夸赞哪一个演员。A black silk tie completed the ensemble.再加上一条黑色丝绸领带,这套服装就配齐了。




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