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词汇 enough
例句 He's bad enough, but his brother is far worse.他够坏的了,可他哥哥比他还要坏得多。He was a nice enough guy, but he was so straight - I always felt I had to be on my best behaviour with him.他是个不错的家伙,不过太严肃了——我总是觉得我和他在一起必须得规规矩矩的。That's good enough for me.那对我来说已经足够好了。The Prime Minister was savaged by the press for failing to take action quickly enough.首相因未能迅速采取行动而受到新闻界的猛烈抨击。She'd already picked up enough Dutch to do some useful barter with the natives.她已经顺便学了一些荷兰语,足以和当地人进行一些有益处的易货交易。They hope to win enough seats in the election to regain control of the House.他们希望在选举中赢得足够议席,重新掌控众议院。It's easy enough to pick holes in other people's suggestions.在别人的建议中挑毛病是十分容易的。Do you have enough room?你有足够的地儿吗?Are you warm enough or do you want me to put the heating on?你暖不暖和,要不要我开暖气?The penalties must be severe enough to deter lawbreakers.处罚必须严厉,使人不敢以身试法。Raphael is probably the only one crazy enough to try it.可能只有拉斐尔才会这么疯狂去做这事了。There aren't enough ladies’ rooms at the stadium.体育场里没有足够的女洗手间。It was warm enough to be outdoors all afternoon.天气很暖和,整个下午都可以呆在户外。You haven't let the tea brew long enough.你的茶泡得不够久。There is enough leeway in the federal budget.联邦预算中有足够的周转余地。He compiled enough information on his tour of South American capitals to write a book.他在南美各国首都旅游时收集了不少资料,足够写本书。I haven't been getting enough sleep recently.我最近一直睡眠不足。She opened her money box to see if she had saved enough for a tennis racket.她打开存钱罐看是否存够买网球拍的钱了。He couldn't run fast enough, so the coach dropped him.他跑得不够快,因此教练把他除名了。The President will not be able to meet enough people if he is kept to an unnaturally rigid schedule.总统如果死守着刻板的日程表,就不能与足够多的人会面。The number of children in the cities that do not have enough to eat is rising daily.城市里吃不饱的孩子数量每天在增加。She bought a travel-bag large enough to contain the film canisters.她买了一只能装得下那些胶卷筒的旅行包。The beans will only germinate if the temperature is warm enough.豆子只有在温度足够高时才会发芽。We don't have nearly enough money.我们的钱远远不够。Now, you two, that's quite enough. Sit down and be quiet.喂,你们俩,到此为止吧。 坐下来安静一会儿。I have always been against swanking about all the things I have been lucky enough to win.我一向不喜欢和别人炫耀自己因为够幸运而取得的那些成就。Tumours like these can be treated quite easily if they're caught early enough.这类肿瘤只要及早发现,很容易就能治好。The mess in his office is enough to turn your stomach.他办公室里那种乱七八糟的样子你一看准讨厌。When he's old enough to understand, we'll tell him he's adopted.等到他长大懂事的时候,我们会告诉他,他是领养的。The state does not collect enough revenue to cover its expenditure.国家的财政收入不够抵付财政支出。Is there enough space for me to park there?有没有足够的空儿让我把车停在那儿?The noise was loud enough to wake the dead.噪声大得足以把死人吵活。This is the last of the paint, and I don't think it's going to be enough.这是最后一点油漆了,我觉得不够用。Space is plentiful enough for several homes.空间很大,足以建好几个住宅。I wasn't interested enough in the argument to take sides one way or the other.我对这场争论的兴趣不足以让我表态支持这边或者那边。He had $20, but that was not nearly enough for the trip.他有二十元,但这远远不够旅途费用。The smell of her perfume was enough to awaken his desire for her.她身上的香水味足以撩拨起他对她的欲望。We didn't have enough room to lie down, so we couldn't really sleep.我们没有足够的地方可以躺下来,所以也睡不着。You've said enough. I get the picture.你说得够多了,我明白了。Hugh's message was short, but the meaning was plain enough.休的信息很短,但意思却很明了。




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