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词汇 enormous
例句 Good luck in this enormous project you are undertaking.祝你承担的这个大项目好运。The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea.由于困难很大,他对这个主意是否可行持怀疑态度。British imperialism created the enormous British Empire.英国实行帝国主义,建立了疆域辽阔的大英帝国。He arrived at the door with an enormous bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other.他一手拿着一大束花,一手拿着一瓶香槟酒来到门口。Worldwide, an enormous amount of research effort goes into military technology.在世界范围内,大量的研究精力投入到了军事技术上。He has an enormous hooter.他长着一个大鼻子。It's like one enormous street carnival here.这就像是一场盛大的街头狂欢节。There's still an enormous amount of work to do before we break for Christmas.我们圣诞假期之前还有大量工作要做。When you consider how much this meal would cost to prepare at home, you realize that the restaurant must be making an enormous profit.你考虑一下这顿饭在家里做会花费多少,就会明白饭馆定是赢利颇丰的。There's an enormous oak tree at the edge of the garden.花园的边缘有一棵巨大的橡树。There's an enormous mark-up on convenience foods.速食食品的加价率很高。This young man has enormous potential.这个小伙子有巨大的潜力。A new baby has an enormous capacity for absorbing new information.新生婴儿吸收新事物的能力非常强。You ought to see their new house – it's enormous.你应该看看他们的新房子,真是大极了。The most distinctive feature of the building is its enormous dome-shaped roof.这幢建筑最与众不同的特点是它那巨大的拱形屋顶。Television newsreaders come under enormous strain.电视新闻播报员处于极大的压力之下。The repulsive force within the nucleus is enormous.核子内部的斥力是巨大的。He cast his eyes at the rows of cabinets that filled the enormous work area.他扫了一眼占满了巨大工作区的一排排柜子。In his lecture Riemann covered an enormous variety of topics.里曼的演讲涵盖了各种各样的主题。Radio and television have had an enormous effect on people's lives.广播和电视对人们的生活产生了巨大的影响。Their talents are not only enormous but durable.他们的才能不仅惊人,而且经久不衰。The government laid on an enormous state dinner in honour of the visiting premier.政府为来访的总理设盛大国宴。The film has received enormous attention in the media.这部影片受到了媒体的极大关注。The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.发展中国家背负着巨额外债。We had enormous harvests of corn this year.今年我们的玉米获得了大丰收。The manager was sitting behind an enormous desk.经理坐在一张大桌子的后面。The country has suffered the enormous cost of trade sanctions.该国蒙受了贸易制裁所造成的巨大损失。Her case has attracted an enormous amount of public sympathy.她的情况得到了无数民众的同情。Despite our differences, I have enormous respect for him.虽然我们有分歧,但我仍对他满怀敬意。There have been enormous advances in the compilation of data on suspected terrorists.对疑似恐怖分子的数据收集工作有了很大的进展。Those who were in the know bought land where the railway was to be built, and made enormous profits.知情的人买下了将建铁路的土地,获取了巨额利润。The Internet provides instant access to an enormous amount of information.互联网是获取大量信息的快捷途径。The episode throws into sharp relief the enormous cultural divide between these two communities.这个插曲使这两个社区间巨大的文化差异显得非常突出。This was an important breakthrough that had an enormous impact on the scientific community.这是一个重大突破,对科学界具有巨大的影响。He has enormous charisma. He is a giant of a man.他具有非凡的魅力,是人中豪杰。The impact of the new tax was enormous.新税制的影响是巨大的。The enormous fish snapped the fly.这条大鱼咬住了钓饵。Einstein's work on relativity had an enormous impact on the way physics developed.爱因斯坦的相对论研究对物理学的发展有着巨大的影响。An enormous volume of explosives was stockpiled inside one of the buildings.其中一栋大楼内贮存了大量的炸药。The new central heating has made an enormous difference to the house.新的中央供暖系统使这所房子大不一样。




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