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词汇 enjoyment
例句 Eating scones while having afternoon tea is a great enjoyment for all.喝下午茶的时候同时吃英国烤松饼是极大的享受。Her eyes were alight with a girlish enjoyment of life.她的眼睛闪闪发亮,闪烁着少女般的幸福和满足。The new breed of walking holidays puts the emphasis on enjoyment, not endurance.这种新型的徒步旅行假日重在愉悦身心,而不是为了锻炼耐力。He paints purely for enjoyment.他画画纯粹是自娱自乐。One of the best things in life is the enjoyment of good health.人生乐事之一是享有健康。She sipped her drink with evident enjoyment.她小口地喝着饮料,显然很开心。Mackie was smiling with enjoyment.麦基愉快地微笑着。Mr Wills unfolds his story with evident enjoyment.威尔斯先生喜形于色地开始讲他的故事。A really good wine will add to your enjoyment of the meal.美酒能为佳肴增添乐趣。This is land set aside for the public's enjoyment.这是为给公众使用留出的土地。I still find enjoyment in the job.我依然能在这一工作中找到乐趣。They found real enjoyment just in being together.他们只要待在一起就感到十分快乐。The beautiful views enhance your enjoyment of rambling.美景为漫步增添乐趣。Food is there to keep you healthy and enhance your enjoyment of life.食物是让人保持健康并增添生活乐趣的。The show brought enjoyment to millions of viewers.这项表演给数百万观众带来了快乐。The spacious campus invites to the enjoyment of the out-of-doors.开阔的校园是进行户外活动的大好场所。I apologize if your enjoyment of the movie was spoiled.如果破坏了你看电影的兴致,我道歉。I did this work for my own enjoyment, not for money.我做这个工作主要是为了自己的乐趣,不是为了赚钱。For sheer enjoyment, you can't beat this game.单以开心来说,没有比这个游戏更好的了。He lives in a constant racket of enjoyment.他一味寻欢作乐。For me, music is a great source of enjoyment.对我来说,音乐是快乐的重要源泉。He found congenial officers who knew how to leaven war's rigours with riotous enjoyment.他找到了懂得用狂欢来冲淡战争的严酷的志趣相投的军官。Fans gained more enjoyment barracking him than cheering on the team.比起为球队加油,球迷们从朝他起哄中获得了更大的乐趣。Livy ate the pasties greedily and with huge enjoyment.莉薇津津有味地大口吃着点心。Hunting is his greatest enjoyment.打猎是他最大的乐事。Your enjoyment of the movie depends on being able to overlook the terrible acting.能否欣赏这部电影,取决于能否忽略糟糕的演技。A large income is not necessary for the full enjoyment of life.要生活得十分愉快不一定要有高收入。I apologise if your enjoyment of the movie was spoiled.如果破坏了你看电影的兴致,我道歉。His sense of duty often stood between him and the enjoyment of life.他的责任感经常让他无法好好享受生活。The thought briefly took the edge off her enjoyment.这一想法暂时冲淡了她的快乐。We hope this adds to your enjoyment of the play.我们希望这能使您在欣赏剧目时更加尽兴。She always found sports to be a source of great enjoyment.她一直认为运动能带来很多乐趣。Bob ate his lunch with evident enjoyment.鲍勃午饭吃得津津有味。Various rules in sports competition take away from spectator's enjoyment.体育比赛的各种规则让观众不能尽兴。He transmitted his keen enjoyment of singing to the audience.他把自己对演唱的激情投入传递给了观众。I get a lot of enjoyment out of working with young children.和小孩子打交道我得到了很大的乐趣。I read the book strictly for my own enjoyment.我读这本书完全是出于自己的乐趣。Most patients derive enjoyment from leafing through old picture albums.大多数病人在翻阅旧相册时都会很开心。I play tennis purely for enjoyment.我打网球纯粹是为了娱乐。Her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers.她写自己冒险经历的那些书给神游者带来了享受和刺激。




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