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词汇 enigmatic
例句 The Mona Lisa has a famously enigmatic smile.蒙娜丽莎的神秘微笑非常有名。He was fascinated by the enigmatic actress.那个谜一般的女演员深深地吸引着他。She starred in one of Welles's most enigmatic films.她在韦尔斯最具神秘色彩的一部电影中出演主角。Little is known about this solitary and enigmatic writer.人们对这位深居简出的神秘作家所知甚少。Ever since the start of the journey Ahamado had remained enigmatic, silent and unforthcoming.自从踏上旅途以来,阿哈马多就一直是个谜一般的人物,他沉默寡言、守口如瓶。His reply was highly enigmatic.他的回答高深莫测。He left an enigmatic message on my answering machine.他在我的电话答录机中留了一条莫名其妙的留言。Haley studied her, an enigmatic smile on his face.黑利打量着她,脸上带着神秘的笑容。Freud remains today an enigmatic figure.弗洛伊德至今仍是个谜一般的人物。




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