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词汇 enforcement
例句 Law enforcement in that country is hamstrung by bureaucracy.该国的执法工作由于官僚主义而陷于瘫痪。The accord also lays down guidelines for the conduct of American drug enforcement agents.该协议也为美国毒品稽查人员的行为制订了准则。The bill was castrated by removal of the enforcement provisions.由于去掉了实施条款,那项法案实遭阉割。The new laws are just paper tigers without any method of enforcement.新法规只是些没有任何强制执行措施的纸老虎罢了。Armed law-enforcement officers burst in the door.武装执法人员破门而入。The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery.法院效率低是因为缺乏必要的执行机构。She enjoys a sterling reputation in law-enforcement circles and among the community in general.她在司法界和全社会都享有崇高声誉。Law enforcement agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Central America.执法人员截获了一批从中美洲运来的毒品。We need to restore respect for the law-enforcement agencies.我们需要重塑执法机构的声望。She works in law enforcement. 她为警方工作。Stricter speed limit enforcement has reduced the number of car accidents.更加严格的限速力度减少了交通事故的数量。The building was raided by law enforcement agents.该大楼受到了执法人员的突击搜查。It was then that Milstead took the first steps toward a future career in law enforcement.米尔斯特德就是从那时起跨出了将来以执法为职业的第一步。The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law.警察负责法律的实施。The plan called for the deputation of US military and National Guard units so that they could legally be used for domestic law enforcement.该方案呼吁委派美国军队和国民警卫队以使其可合法地于国内执法。Newspapers called for tougher enforcement of the existing laws on drugs.报纸上呼吁加强对现行毒品法律的执行力度。The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws, such as those banning sales of cigarettes to children.医生们希望加大现行法律的执行力度,如禁止向儿童出售香烟。He's interested in a career in law enforcement. 他对警察这一职业感兴趣。The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws, such as those banning sales of cigarettes to children.医生们希望加大现行法律的执行力度,如禁止向孩童出售香烟。She enjoys a sterling reputation in law enforcement circles and among the community in general.总的说来,她在执法界和老百姓当中口碑甚佳。




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