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With a sudden burst of energy, he ran to the top of the hill.他突然涌起一股劲,冲上山顶。My energy levels are still low.我依然精力不足。Plants store up the sun's energy.植物储存太阳的能量。Most people are aware of the need to reduce energy consumption.大多数人已经意识到有必要减少能源消耗。He seems to have inexhaustible energy.他似乎有着使不完的劲儿。The building is expressly designed to conserve energy.这座建筑经特意设计以节约能源。The blades, made from lightweight carbon fibre, store kinetic energy in a similar fashion to a spring and allow the athlete to run and jump.小腿假肢由轻便的碳纤维制成,以跟弹簧类似的方式储存运动能量,使运动员能够奔跑跳跃。They were evangelizing about the importance of saving energy.他们在讲述节约能源的重要性。Susan is a real bundle of energy.苏珊确实是个精力充沛的人。She seemed invigorated, full of life and energy.她似乎精神焕发,充满生机与活力。Taking care of her dying mother had sapped all her energy.照顾临终的母亲耗尽了她的全部精力。Many companies have struggled valiantly to use less energy and chuck out less rubbish.很多公司都在努力减少能耗并少扔垃圾。Her energy and intellect are respected all over the world.她的活力和才智得到了全世界的尊重。Miranda has drive and energy to spare and has now taken on an even bigger challenge.米兰达有使不完的干劲和精力,现在已经接受了一个更大的挑战。There is a lack of creative energy in the industry.这个行业缺乏创造力。He has the physique and energy of a man half his age.他的体格和精力比得上年龄只有他一半大的人。Denmark recognised the potential of wind energy early.丹麦早就认识到了风能的潜力。Insulate the hot-water tank to save on energy costs.给热水箱包裹保温材料以节省能源开支。I didn't have the energy to chase him any more.我再也没有力气追赶他了。We try to boost our energy by eating.我们试图通过吃东西来增强体力。He seemed to have an almost manic energy.他似乎有一股近乎疯狂的劲头。The band tore into the next song with a lot of energy.乐队立刻精神饱满地开始演唱下一首歌。They can see themselves going out on a limb, voting for a very controversial energy bill.他们可以预见到要是给极具争议性的能源法案投赞成票,可能会陷入孤立。We don't want to waste our energy trying to persuade people who are just not interested.我们不想浪费精力去试图说服根本毫无兴趣的人。He was saving his energy for next week's race in Belgium.他正为下周在比利时的比赛养精蓄锐。Mid-Wales has the potential to become a linchpin of the government's plans for a more sustainable energy network.政府计划打造更具可持续性的能源网络,威尔士中部有潜力成为该计划的核心。She always works with energy and enthusiasm.她工作起来一直充满精力和热情。Indians who are wary about energy development唯恐外人来开发能源的印第安人People are encouraged to switch energy supplier to save money.通过更换能源供货商来省钱的方法受到鼓励。Crowdfunding provides locally sourced finance for renewable energy projects around the country. 在全国各地,网络众筹都用来为可再生能源项目筹集来自当地的资金。Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on.随着时间的推移,可再生能源将变得愈发重要。The issue of global warming and energy usage is not going to go away.全球变暖和能源使用的问题不会消失。Reducing our annual consumption of energy is an important first step.减少我们的能量年消耗是重要的第一步。A more efficient furnace will save on energy.更高效的锅炉可以节能。Nuclear energy is the only viable alternative to coal or gas.核能是唯一可替代煤或汽油的能源。It's believed that these points are joined up by channels of energy.据信这些点通过能量通道相互连接。The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy.风能作为动力的成功是对可再生能源一次立见分晓的检验。The sun’s rays can give up to one thousand volts of electrical energy per square meter.太阳的射线能释放出每平方米一千伏的电能。The solar panels store energy.太阳能电池板储存能量。The play lacks the wit and energy of Jergen's earlier work.这部戏剧缺乏杰根早期作品中的智趣与活力。 |