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The new government embarked upon an energetic legislative programme.新政府开始实施一项有力的立法方案。My mother was a bustling, energetic woman.我的母亲是个忙忙碌碌、充满活力的妇女。I'm feeling quite energetic today.今天我感觉精力充沛。He's funny, energetic, understanding, and a great teacher.他很有趣,精力充沛,善解人意,是一个很好的老师。He's an energetic player.他是一个精力旺盛的运动员。If you're feeling energetic, we could go out for a run.如果你觉得有精力,我们可以出去跑跑步。I don't associate him with energetic sports.我不把他和剧烈的体育运动联系在一起。She seems remarkably energetic for a woman her age.对她那个年龄的女性来说,她显得活力十足。He is an energetic tennis player.他是个精力充沛的网球手。The gospel singers appear animated, energetic, and happy.那些福音歌手看起来很活泼、精力充沛而且很快乐。Though no longer in the first flush of youth she's still remarkably energetic.尽管已非青春少女,她仍然精力充沛。Cool autumn days make us feel energetic.凉爽的秋日使我们精神抖擞。Dolly was an energetic woman who was suddenly cut off in her prime by scarlet fever.多莉是个精力充沛的女子,却因患了猩红热而年纪轻轻就去世了。His campaign is energetic, relevant, and heavily financed.他的竞选活动充满活力,目的明确,且经费充足。Ferrets are not seamy. They are energetic,hardworking, even affectionate.雪貂并不讨人嫌。它们精力旺盛,勤劳,甚至还很富于感情。Frankie is known throughout the entertainment business as an energetic performer.弗朗姬作为演员以精力旺盛闻名娱乐业。They mounted an energetic campaign.他们展开了一场积极的运动。For all his years, he was none the less active and energetic.他虽年事已高,但仍生气勃勃,精力旺盛。He completely departed from the text and extemporized in a very energetic fashion.他完全脱稿,慷慨激昂地进行即席演说。The children are energetic workers.孩子们干起活来都是精力充沛的。He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.他似乎是一个富有干劲、精力充沛的领导。Pete was lying on his bed, resting after an energetic game of tennis.皮特打了一场非常耗力的网球,正躺在床上休息。Singing is a real upper. It makes me feel dizzy and energetic.唱歌真叫人来劲儿。一唱歌,我感到晕乎乎却又浑身是劲。Her mother was a resourceful and energetic woman.她母亲是一个足智多谋、精力充沛的女人。She served as an energetic leader of Labour's European group.她是工党欧洲政治小组的一位充满活力的领导者。She urged her pony into an energetic trot.她策马奋力小跑。I don't feel like doing anything very energetic this evening. I've had a tiring day.今天晚上我不想干费力的事。我已经累了一天了。Marcos was a consummate politician: energetic and ruthless.马科斯是一位完美无缺的政治家:充满活力,铁面无私。The club has the support of an energetic and enthusiastic management committee.俱乐部有一个积极热心的管理委员会作支柱。If you're a young energetic college graduate who wants to make a difference in the world of media, this is the job for you!如果你是一个年轻而充满活力的大学毕业生,又想在新闻界干一番事业,那么这份工作很适合你!The hart was so energetic.这雄鹿很有精神。The government has taken a more energetic approach to protecting the environment.政府已经采取了一种更为积极的方式来保护环境。When energetic particles or quanta of radiation pass through a crystal, they excite a few of its atoms into a higher energy state.辐射性的高能粒子或量子穿过晶体时,会把晶体的一些原子激发成更高的能态。Tremain's novel is altogether jauntier, more various and energetic than these quotations imply.与这些引文给人的印象相比,特里曼的小说总的来说更加充满自信、富于变化,也更有活力。Quasars are the highly energetic cores of distant galaxies.类星体是遥远星系的极为活跃的核心体。This revolutionary expansion required energetic nation-building policies.这种跨越式的扩张需要有活力的国家建设政策。A short nap can be enough to make you feel more energetic in the afternoon.小睡一会足以使你在下午的时候精神倍增。He was hardworking and energetic.他工作努力,充满干劲。We look for applicants who are numerate, computer-literate and energetic self-starters.我们对求职者的要求是具备运算能力,熟练使用电脑,精力充沛而且工作积极主动。It was her energetic and friendly manner that got her the job.她得到这份工作主要得益于她待人友善而且有干劲。 |