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例句 He was a past master at manipulating the media for his own ends.他是操纵媒体为自己所用的老手。This will keep the ends of the rope from unraveling. 这样就可以避免绳子的两端松开。By the story's end, the heroine finds herself in the hero's arms, and all ends well.故事结尾时,女主角发现自己倚在男主角的胳膊里,欢喜收场。With Betty's salary they barely made ends meet.加上贝蒂的薪水,他们仅能勉强维持生计。The story ends with the death of Jezebel.故事以耶泽贝尔的死亡作为结束。The film ends on a positive note.电影的结局轻松愉快。When the two ends of the tunnel met in the middle they were only a few inches out.隧道两端在中间相接时,仅有几英寸的误差。It was amusing to see the rear ends of the dignified gentlemen disappearing under the edge of the tent.看着那些大腹贾撅着屁股钻进帐篷去真有趣极了。To make your ends meet, you must skimp on your expenses.为了收支平衡,你必须少花钱。Place the fish on top, tucking any tail ends under to make neat parcels.把鱼放在最上面,再把尾部塞进去,使小食包光滑整洁。The two parties represent opposite ends of the political spectrum.这两个政党代表了政治上的两端。He did everything within his power to compass his ends.他竭尽全力以求达到目的。Take hold of both ends of the rope.抓住绳子的两头。Both women have two children and like sports but there the similarity ends. 这两个女人都有两个孩子,都喜欢运动,但共同点仅此而已。Illness always strikes when you are feeling low or when you have been burning the candle at both ends.人情绪低落或者总是起早贪黑工作时总会生病。The police force is being manipulated for political ends.有人为了政治目的在操纵警察部门。Policemen with families have to moonlight to make ends meet.有家室的警察必须兼差才能维持家计。Push through the hole in the beads, and tie a knot at both ends.从珠孔穿出,并在两端打结。Ina is a bad girl so, natch, ends up in prison.艾娜是个坏女孩,后来自然就进了监狱。He would go to the ends of the earth to please her.他愿做任何事来取悦她。Apart from a few loose ends that need to be tied up, everything has gone according to schedule.除了还有一些零星事务要处理,一切都如期进行。The project is almost complete, but we still have a few loose ends to tie up.项目差不多完成了,但我们还剩下一些收尾工作。Passover ends tomorrow at sundown.逾越节明天日落时结束。I'll follow you to the ends of the earth.我要跟随你到天涯海角。In the drawer she found a photograph, an old hairbrush, and various other odds and ends.她在抽屉里找到了一张照片、一把旧梳子,以及其他一些零碎物品。Now that he's gone, I'm left with so many loose ends.他走了,留给我这么多尚未完成的事。The movie ends with a slow fade-out to a black screen.随着屏幕渐渐变黑,电影结束了。They are quite prepared to kill to achieve their ends.为了达到目的,他们已做好杀人的准备。She knotted the ends of the rope and pulled it tight.她把绳子的两端打成结,然后拉紧。The demonstrators’ ends do not justify their means.示威者的目的并不能证明他们的手段是正当的。She usually ends up putting in several extra hours work at weekends.她在周末通常还要多花好几个小时来工作。He would not allow anyone to make him into a political plaything for their own ends.他不会允许任何人为了达到其自身目的把他变成政治玩物。I snapped the ends off the beans and dropped them into a bowl.我把菜豆掐掉两头扔进碗里。A jewelled pin bound the ends of her scarf.一枚嵌有宝石的饰针把她头巾的两头别在一起。One in three marriages ends in divorce.三分之一的婚姻以离婚告终。This victory ends a five-game skid.这场胜利结束了五连败的局面。Cynthia is not ashamed of what she does, even if she ends up doing something wrong.辛西娅不为自己的所作所为感到羞愧,即使最终证明她所做的是错误的。We almost didn't make it here, but all's well that ends well. 我们差点就失败了,不过结果好一切就都好。The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain.开口的链环是用来将链子的两头连接起来的。They sat at opposite ends of the room.他们坐在房间的两头。




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