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Every few days they would move to a new encampment in the woods.每隔几天他们就会搬到树林中一个新的营地。The new soldiers learned how to make encampment.这些新士兵们练习扎营。Government troops have overwhelmed a rebel encampment.政府军捣毁了叛军的营地。He told the delegation that encampment of Renamo troops will not begin until the group gets its share of the aid.他告诉代表团,莫桑比克全国抵抗运动组织的部队在获得应有的援助前将不会扎营。The ground that the encampment had occupied was covered with remnants and fragments of all kinds.营地所在地被各种各样的残骸碎物覆盖著。 |