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词汇 empty
例句 The bus was almost empty when it finally came.公交车终于开来了,车上几乎空无一人。Could you empty the wastebasket - it's getting pretty full.你把废纸篓倒干净好吗—很满了。Local kids keep lobbing empty beer cans over our fence.当地的小孩子不停地把空啤酒罐扔过我们的篱笆。When the bottle is empty, wash it out thoroughly before refilling.瓶子空了以后,彻底洗干净后再灌满。As the curtain rises, the stage is empty.幕启时,舞台上阒无一人。He ordered her to empty her pockets.他命令她把口袋掏空。The seat facing mine was empty.我对面的座位空着。She looked at her glass and was amazed to find it was empty.她看了一眼自己的杯子,惊奇地发现竟然是空的。Criminals often hide out in these empty apartments.犯罪份子经常躲藏在这些空置的公寓里。A stream of disappointed customers went away empty-handed.一群失望的顾客两手空空地离开了。This corner of the lagoon was empty of life.潟湖的这一角没有生物。The empty workshops bear witness to the industrial past.空空的工厂见证了这段工业发展的历史。It's your turn to empty the trash.轮到你倒垃圾了。Mark was sitting in the corner nursing an almost empty bottle of beer.马克坐在角落里,手里久久地拿着一只几乎空了的啤酒瓶。The curtained stage was empty save for a few pieces of furniture.降下帷幕的舞台上空荡荡的,只有几件家具。The police made the thief empty out his pocket.警察让小偷把口袋中的东西全部掏出来。Farmers threw eggs and empty bottles at police, who replied with tear gas.农民向警察扔鸡蛋和空瓶子,警察则以催泪弹回击。You should never go to work on an empty stomach.你不应该空腹去上班。I get the impression he's been running on empty for months now. A holiday will do him good.我感觉他如今有好几个月都是在勉强支撑。放个假对他会有好处。Try to relax and empty your mind.试试放松一下,摒除心中的杂念。The room was empty except for a wardrobe standing in one corner.房间里除了墙角有个衣柜外,别无他物。There were loads and loads of empty seats at the game - I was kind of surprised.球场看台上有不少空位一我有点吃惊。A handful of pedestrians walked down empty sidewalks.寥寥几个行人走在空荡荡的边道上。If we go on expecting our daughters to be decorative and pliable and empty-headed, they'll be inadequately prepared for the future.如果我们继续期望自己的女儿只重外表、毫无主见、头脑空空的话,她们就会对未来准备不足。The granaries containing last year's harvest are nearly empty.贮存去年收割的粮食的谷仓几乎空了。A young woman cleared away their empty cups.一位年轻女子把他们的空杯子收走了。Bargaining at the markets is now just an empty ritual.市场上的讨价还价现在只不过是走形式罢了。The flat next door was empty.隔壁公寓没人住。Where Marion's photo had once been was now an empty space.曾经摆放玛丽昂照片的地方,如今空空如也。Go to the toilet and empty your bladder.上厕所撒尿去吧。He didn't empty our joint checking account.他没有取光我俩共有的活期存款。It's a mercy that the building was empty when the fire started.幸好发生火灾时楼里没有人。He hated coming home to the empty house.他不喜欢回到家屋里空荡荡的。I was surprised that the train was half empty at that time of day.我很吃惊,这个时间段的火车上竟然会有一半的位置空着。The marriage counsellor could only offer us a string of empty platitudes.婚姻指导顾问只能给我们说一连串空洞的套话。It was 2 o'clock in the morning and the streets were completely empty.那是凌晨两点,街上空无一人。The roads were nearly empty of traffic.马路上几乎没有车。His repeated promises to pay them back were just empty words.他一再答应还钱给他们,但只是空话而已。I saw a crescent moon riding in an empty sky.我看见一弯新月悬浮在寥廓的天空。Entire blocks stand empty with boarded-up windows.整个街区空空如也,窗户都用木板封上了。




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