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词汇 abruptly
例句 If these drugs are stopped abruptly, then some withdrawal symptoms may occur.如果突然停服这些药,可能会出现一些戒断症状。He wheeled round and went abruptly out of the room.他一转身突然走出房间。His contract was abruptly terminated.他的合同突然被终止了。I had to apply the brakes rather abruptly at a red light.红灯亮了,我不得不猛然踩下刹车。Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.她接下来的评论使谈话戛然而止。He got up abruptly.他猛地站起身来。He turned abruptly and strode off down the corridor.他突然转身,沿走廊大步流星地走了。She turned abruptly and went back inside.她猛然转身回到屋里去。It all happened so abruptly that he exclaimed in surprise.一切发生得如此突然,他不禁惊呼了一声。The meeting ended abruptly when the chairman was called away.会议因主席被叫走而突然中止。Our conversation ended abruptly with the entrance of a group of reporters.由于一群记者进来,我们的谈话突然打住了。He broke off abruptly when Jo walked in.乔走进来时,他突然停住不说了。The noise returned him abruptly to the present.喧闹声使他一下子回到现实中来。The party ended abruptly when the police arrived.聚会因警察的到来戛然而止。He told them abruptly and without ceremony that they would have to leave.他唐突无礼地让他们离开。Adam rose abruptly from the table.亚当突然从桌旁站了起来。His manner changed abruptly when he heard how much gold I wanted.听到我想要的黄金数量,他的态度立刻变了。I shifted gears abruptly into my rusty high school French.我突然改说中学时学得半生不熟的法语。He stopped abruptly, suddenly afraid to say the words out loud.他一下子停住了,突然害怕大声说出那些话。He stopped abruptly and looked my way.他突然停下,朝我看过来。His thoughts were abruptly cut off by a blinding flash of pain.一阵令人头晕目眩的疼痛突然打断了他的思绪。The crowd's mood abruptly turned violent.人群的情绪突然变得暴烈起来。She lost the next five games, and the set, as her confidence abruptly deserted her.她突然自信心全失,接下来连败五局,并最终丢了这一盘。Behind the habitations, the sandstone cliffs rose abruptly to the north and west.在居住区后面,北边和西边陡然高耸着砂岩悬崖。She turned abruptly and walked away.她突然转身走了。Then abruptly he revved the engine to full power.然后他突然加速到最大马力。All these ideas for expansion were abruptly halted by the outbreak of war.所有的拓展构思都因战争爆发而突然搁置下来。The land dropped off abruptly.地势陡然而下。The horse abruptly changed direction, nearly throwing the rider off.这匹马突然转了向,差点把骑师甩下来。Kenny slowed his steps, abruptly mindful that the champagne shouldn't be shaken.肯尼忽然想到香槟不能摇晃,放慢了脚步。She lingered for a moment, uncertain what to do, then turned on her heel and left abruptly.她不知所措地待了一会儿,然后突然转身走了。He gestured abruptly for Virginia to get in the car.他粗鲁地示意弗吉尼娅上车。Her voice, small and fluting, stopped abruptly.她细小但却抑扬顿挫的声音戛然而止。The party was stopped abruptly when the police turned up.警察来了,聚会骤然终止。The sky darkened abruptly.天空突然暗了下来。The conversation abruptly ceased. 对话突然中断。If these drugs are stopped abruptly then some withdrawal symptoms may occur.如果突然停服这些药,则可能出现一些戒断症状。I uprose abruptly when I heard the fire bell.我听到火警警报蓦地跳起。The approaching ship sheered off abruptly.迎面而来的船一个急转弯驶开了。Isabel rose so abruptly that she knocked down her chair.伊莎贝尔起得太急了,以致碰倒了她坐的椅子。




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