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词汇 emphatic
例句 He is especially emphatic about the value of a precise routine.他特别强调严格按程序走的意义。He was most emphatic about me leaving.他极力坚持要我离开。He was pretty emphatic about me leaving.他坚决要我离开。They were emphatic about their political differences.他们强调了彼此的政治分歧。The minister has issued an emphatic rejection of the accusation.部长发表声明断然驳斥了这一指控。The rebels are emphatic that this is not a surrender.反叛者坚称这不是投降。He refused my offer with an emphatic shake of the head.他用力摇了摇头,拒绝了我的提议。I answered both questions with an emphatic `Yes'.两个问题我都给出了不容置疑的肯定回答。He is emphatic that she never had a friend.他坚称她从来没有朋友。The president made an emphatic statement to the contrary.总统针锋相对地发表了坚定的声明。By the close of the first half, United's lead should have been more emphatic.到上半场结束时,曼联队的领先优势本来应该更加显著。His response was immediate and emphatic.他迅速而有力地作出了回答。




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