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词汇 emigrate
例句 Millie's brother Dennis, and his wife Joan, decided to emigrate the following year.米莉的哥哥丹尼斯,以及他的妻子琼,决定第二年移居国外。Everybody was flabbergasted when I announced I was going to emigrate to Australia.当我宣布我要移民去澳大利亚的时候,大家都惊呆了。The men emigrate to work as seamen.男人们移居国外当海员。Thousands of Britons emigrate every year.每年有数以千计的英国人移居国外。They decided to put their house up for sale and emigrate.他们决定卖掉房子,然后移民。Nazi anti-Semitism forced him to emigrate to the US纳粹的排犹政策迫使他移民美国。Economists warn that enormous pressures could build up, forcing people to emigrate westwards.经济学家警告,压力可能会越来越大,迫使人们迁往西部。




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