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词汇 embracing
例句 The prison governor now has all-embracing powers to deal with any situation in the way he thinks fit.狱长现在有全权,可以以他认为合适的方法去处理任何事情。At first people were sort of crying for joy and embracing each other.一开始,人们可以说是喜极而泣,并相互拥抱。Businesses are keeping their payrolls low by embracing new technologies.公司通过采用新技术来减少工资支出。There are no all-embracing EC directives on race equality.关于种族平等,欧盟指令也无法面面俱到。He returned home one day embracing a large paper bag.有一天他回家来,怀里揣着一只大纸袋。I intend to use these terms in a deliberately non-specific and all-embracing way.我打算有意含糊笼统地使用这些词语。By embracing other cultures and genres, we actually broaden our horizons, rather than narrow any existing ones.通过接纳其他文化和体裁,我们实际上拓宽了领域,而不是让现有的范围变得狭窄。His hospitality was instantaneous and all-embracing.无论何时无论对谁他都是很好客的。The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.主教促使这一观念得到宣扬,即社会要包容各个阶层。




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