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词汇 elementary school
例句 He is a self-educated man. He didn't finish even elementary school.他是一个自学成材的人。他连小学也未读完。She is a student at our local elementary school.她是我们当地小学的学生。Visualize yourself in the playground of your elementary school.想象一下自己正在所上小学的操场上。The town is raising money for the elementary school.镇子正在为那所小学筹钱。The senator met with a group of elementary school students learning about how government works.参议员接见了一群正在学习政府运作方式的小学生。In my small elementary school, bullies ruled the roost.我所在的那所规模不大的小学里,几个恶霸学生横行校园。She teaches elementary school in Atlanta.她在亚特兰大教小学。We were great comrades in elementary school, almost inseparable.我们在小学里是真正的好朋友,几乎形影不离。After completing elementary school, children are segregated according to scholastic promise.孩子们在完成小学教育以后,根据各人的学业出息情况被分了开来。




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