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词汇 elegant
例句 The abbey is known for its majestic arches, fine doorways and elegant windows.这座修道院因为其威严的拱门、精美的门廊和雅致的窗户而闻名。Gwyneth Paltrow is wonderful in the film, tall, graceful and elegant.影片中格威妮丝·帕尔特罗漂亮极了,身材修长,气质高贵优雅。The light and dark woods alternate to form an elegant pattern around the window.深浅不一的树木错落有致,在窗口形成一个优美的图案。The elegant way she was dressed put the rest of us to shame.她那一身漂亮高贵的打扮令我们其他人相形见绌。This elegant hotel was formerly a castle.这家漂亮的酒店以前是座城堡。A bevy of ladies resplendent in elegant walking gowns hailed them.一群身着优雅便袍、光彩照人的女士向他们打招呼。She was elegant and sophisticated.她举止优雅,谈吐得体。New Delhi, with its elegant wide avenues and impressive government buildings, is a complete contrast with Old Delhi.新德里有漂亮宽敞的林荫大道和宏伟的政府大楼,与旧德里形成鲜明的对比。His prose is written in elegant language.他的散文写得十分优雅。Sally likes clothes that are simple but elegant.萨利喜欢朴素又大方的衣服。Her parties are always elegant, and last night's party was no exception. 她的派对总是优雅华丽,昨晚的也不例外。She was beautiful and elegant.她美丽而高雅。The dresses that she designs are elegant and timeless.她设计的服装高贵优雅,永不过时。She is a neat, elegant woman with a zest for life and an infectious laugh.她是一位整洁优雅的女性,对生活充满热情,笑声很有感染力。The unusually elegant stone building has a tall hexagonal chimney.这座独特典雅的石头建筑有一个高大的六角烟囱。The elegant figure of Mr Reed appeared in the doorway.里德先生那优雅的身影出现在门口。The book's typeface is very elegant.这本书的印刷字体非常雅致。They have a reputation for designing cars with elegant aerodynamic lines.他们以设计优雅的流线型汽车而享有盛誉。He dressed with elegant simplicity.他的穿着朴素高雅。The house was elegant and well kept.这房子很雅致,收拾得也干净。We were sitting in the midst of an elegant and well-dressed audience.我们坐在一群举止优雅、衣着考究的观众中间。Sir James talked to me in his extravagantly elegant Paris home.詹姆斯爵士在他巴黎的豪宅中同我谈话。She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self.她成为了以前那个举止优雅的自己的怪诞模仿品。Her elegant dress had a silver sheen.她那件优雅的礼服有一种银色光泽。I remember her as a refined elegant lady.我记得她是一个很有教养的文雅女子。Each fountain pen is housed in an elegant casing.每支自来水笔装在一只精致的盒子里。Her movements were graceful and elegant.她举手投足间优雅而高贵。Rodney was a cheerful, elegant and gregarious if rather contentious man.罗德尼尽管非常喜欢与人争辩,却是个阳光、优雅、合群的人。She brought in a tray heavy with elegant sandwiches, scones and cakes.她端进来一只盘子,里面盛满了精美的三明治、烤饼和蛋糕。Two elegant Scotsmen travelling together wore dashing kilts at dinner.两名结伴旅行的优雅苏格兰男子就餐时穿了潇洒的苏格兰方格呢短裙。There was an elegant plainness in this small house.这小屋子里有一种高雅的朴素。He was a baroque figure dressed in theatrical, but elegant, clothes.他是个巴罗克式的人物,衣着华丽但又不失优雅。Vienna is a city of grand public buildings and elegant private ones.维也纳这个城市里到处是雄伟的公共建筑和典雅的私家宅院。The day before announcing his farewell to business, Sir James talked to me in his extravagantly elegant Paris home.在宣布退出商界的前一天,詹姆斯爵士在他位于巴黎的极为雅致的家中和我谈了话。He puffed constantly through an elegant cigarette holder.他嘴里叼着一个精致的烟嘴,一口接一口地喷云吐雾。She produces elegant wedding gowns in a variety of sumptuous fabrics.她用各种华贵布料制作精美的婚纱。Their rooms were simple, with some select pieces of elegant furniture.他们的房间布置得很简洁,配的几件家具是精心挑选的,很雅致。She was superbly elegant.她极为优雅。He's very elegant, in an understated way.他的优雅是一种随意自然的流露。Vane's elegant carriage, drawn by matched greys, came rattling around the house.文乘坐着一辆由同色灰马拉着的雅致马车,嗒嗒地从屋的一角驶过来。




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