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词汇 either
例句 When there's a crisis, they either do nothing or do something totally useless.发生危机时,他们或者什么也不做,或者做些无用功。If you don't understand the rules, join the club: no one else does either!如果你不明白这些规则,那咱们都一样,其他人也不明白!It's not true on either count.这两点都不正确。He was faced with a conjuncture in which he must either fight or run.他面临了要么战斗要么逃跑的紧急关头。Depending on who you believe, the problem is either too much political interference or - wait for it - not enough.这就取决于你相信谁了,问题要么是太多政治干涉,要么——听好了——干涉不够。The officers were told the records had either been lost or misplaced.官员们被告知记录不是已经丢失就是被放错了地方。Adverbials may be classified according either to their function or to their position.状语可按其功能或位置分类。The firms intend to open either together under one roof or alongside each other in shopping malls.这些公司想一起开在同一栋大楼里,或者彼此紧挨着开在大型购物中心里。She either loves you or hates you - it's all or nothing with her.她要么爱你,要么恨你——就这么极端。Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus, on foot, or by bicycle.最好是乘坐旅游巴士、步行或骑自行车观光。There are shops at either end of the street.街的两端都有商店。Parents of either sex should beware of imposing their own tastes on their children.父母双方都应切记不要把自己的喜好强加给孩子。We can eat at either restaurant: I'm not fussed. = I'm not fussed about which restaurant we eat at.随便哪个餐馆吃饭都行,我无所谓。Before this war is over there will be no quarter given on either side.在这场战争结束之前,双方都不会心慈手软。Have you seen either of them lately?你最近见到过他们俩吗?She studied history and philosophy, but she had little interest in either subject.她学过历史和哲学,但对这两门课都没有多少兴趣。There is either right or wrong, with no tertium quid.不是对就是错,决没有什么既不对又不错的。We both had a good sleep on the plane, so the jetlag wasn't too bad for either of us.在飞机上我们俩都好好地睡了一觉,所以时差反应不是太大。The judge could have decided either way.两种都是法官可能作出的判决。Her bowel habits changed during pregnancy; she was either very constipated or had diarrhoea.怀孕期间她的排便习惯改变了,她不是严重便秘就是腹泻。She says she has never seen either of them before.她说这两个人她以前都没见过。There is no sense of urgency on either side.两边都没有紧迫感。Unaccompanied bags are either searched or removed.单独运送的包裹或是遭到搜查,或是被搬走。You can take either road; it's six of one, half a dozen of the other.你走哪条路都行,两条路都差不多。Take either of them.两个当中你拿一个吧。The troops/cottages were disposed along either side of the river.部队驻扎/农舍散落在河的两岸。You should water plants either first thing in the morning or last thing at night.你要么早上起来给花草浇水,要么临睡之前浇。You may wear either of the hats.你可以戴两顶帽子中的任何一顶。Mary was a better rider than either of them and she excelled at outdoor sports.玛丽的骑术比他们俩都要好,而且她擅长户外运动。We sat primly at either end of a long settee.我们拘谨地坐在长椅的两头。He is not wise or handsome either. 他不聪明也不英俊。My digestion ain't so hot these days, either.我的消化系统这几天也不怎么对劲儿。I don't like either.两个我都不喜欢。He feels standardized education does not benefit those children who are either below or above average intelligence.他认为标准化教育对那些智力水平低于或超出平均水平的儿童没有好处。You may choose either answer.你可以选择二者中的任一答案。You can cook the meat either in a microwave or in a conventional oven.你可以用微波炉或普通的烤炉烹调这些肉。Most aircraft accidents occur at either take-off or landing.多数的空难事故不是发生在起飞的时候就是发生在降落的时候。You're either for/with me or against me! 你要么支持我,要么反对我。There was a line of fir trees on either side of the road.道路两旁枞树林立。Sam and Ellie are made for each other. I just can't think of either of them with anyone else.山姆和埃莉是天生的一对,我想象不出他们哪个要是跟别人一起会是怎样。




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