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词汇 educated
例句 In general, children of educated parents tend to get better grades.大体来讲,父母受过良好教育的儿童成绩更好些。He was educated at Haslingden Grammar School.他在哈斯灵登文法学校读书。They chose to investigate reasons for the preponderance of large families among the poor and ill-educated.他们选择了调查穷人和受教育程度低下的人群中大家庭占多数的原因。She had been educated above her station.一直以来,她接受的都是她那种身份的人所不可企及的教育。He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford.他上的是牛津大学的贝利奥尔学院。They are university-educated intellectuals high in their peer groups.他们在同辈中是出类拔萃的受过大学教育的知识分子。In general, it was the better-educated voters who voted Yes in the referendum.在全民公决中投赞成票的通常是那些受教育程度较高的人。For our country to remain competitive, we need a highly-skilled, highly-educated workforce.为了使我们的国家保持竞争力,我们需要具备高技能、高学识的劳动力。Any liberally educated person would see the value in such policies.任何接受了开明教育的人都能看出此类政策的价值所在。She's a highly educated young woman.她是个受过高等教育的青年女性。He is young and handsome and well-educated and all the rest of it.他年轻、英俊、受过良好教育,还有其他诸如此类的特点。Their results owe more to educated guesswork than to actual knowledge.他们的成果与其说是基于实际的知识,还不如说是基于知识的猜测。This is an educated guess.这是一个凭经验所作的猜测。Many of the immigrants are well-educated.很多移民受过良好教育。Nadia is a highly-educated, very motivated individual who will go far.娜迪娅是个受过高等教育、进取心很强的人,会取得很大成就。I've never been formally educated.我从未受过正规教育。He was educated for business but became a professional boxer.他曾是学商科的,但后来成了一名职业拳击手。He is a self-educated man. He didn't finish even elementary school.他是一个自学成材的人。他连小学也未读完。Sanders’ parents were well-traveled, well-educated people.桑德斯的父母是经常旅行、受过良好教育的人。I have educated my children at the best schools.我让我的孩子们在最好的学校接受了教育。He had an educated voice and articulated very clearly.他受过发声训练,吐字非常清晰。Five years ago a band of malcontents, mainly half-educated radicals, seized power.五年前,一群不满现状的人夺取了政权,其中主要是文化程度不高的激进分子。She accused university-educated nurses of not wanting to carry out menial tasks.她指责那些受过大学教育的护士不愿做低级工作。Modern economies place a premium on educated workers.现代经济尤其重视受过良好教育的工人。Estimating the right cooking time will always be an educated guess.拿捏好烹饪的时间常常需要日积月累。He is poorly/well educated.他没怎么受过教育/受过良好的教育。Broadsheets are aimed at an educated middle and upper-class readership.大版式报纸针对受过教育的中上层阶级读者。They were intelligent and educated, yet they chose to kidnap and kill.他们聪明、有文化,然而却选择了绑架杀人。He had been educated in England, which accounted for his proficiency in the English language.他曾在英国受教育,这是他精通英语的原因。She could make an educated guess as to what was wrong with him.她能够凭知识推断出他哪里有问题。She was educated at private schools.她在私立学校上的学。The group was characterized as being well-educated and liberal.该团体被描绘成受过良好教育,思想开明。Young people should be educated about the hazards of excessive drinking. 应该让年轻人懂得过度饮酒的危害。Both children are privately educated.两个孩子接受的都是私立教育。His mother sorrowed that such an educated boy couldn't find a job.他的母亲对这样一个受过教育的孩子竟然找不到工作而悲叹。You're smart, you're educated, you shouldn't have any trouble finding a job.你聪明,受过良好教育,找个工作应该不会有问题。Forecasters will be making an educated guess about the demand for electricity this summer.预报员会对今年夏天的用电需求做出预测。He was educated partly in Glasgow and partly in London.他在格拉斯哥和伦敦接受过教育。Interpreters should be highly educated as well as fluent.口译员既应该语言流利,又应该接受过高等教育。He never went to college; he was educated in the school of hard knocks.他从未上过大学,而是从奋斗经历中受教育的。




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