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词汇 Eating
例句 Eating too much is my vice.我的毛病是贪吃。Eating a good diet significantly lessens the risk of heart disease.良好的饮食习惯能大大减少患心脏病的风险。Eating in East Berlin used to be a hazardous and joyless experience.在东柏林就餐曾经是一件危险而且沉闷无趣的事情。Eating beans can cause flatulence.吃豆子会引起肠胃胀气。Eating, drinking, talking, dancing, the evening winged past.吃着,喝着,一边交谈又一边跳舞,这一个夜晚就这么飞快地过去了。Eating too much fat furs up your arteries which slows down the flow of blood.摄入过多脂肪会阻塞你的动脉,减缓血液流动。Eating scones while having afternoon tea is a great enjoyment for all.喝下午茶的时候同时吃英国烤松饼是极大的享受。Eating right and exercising are essential to having/leading/living a healthy lifestyle.合理的饮食和锻炼是健康的生活方式必不可少的。Eating oranges keeps colds at bay.吃橘子可以预防感冒。Eating honey can be unhealthy for babies.婴儿吃蜂蜜会有损健康。Eating out is the national pastime in France.下馆子吃饭是全法国人的消遣方式。Eating out can be costly.在外面吃饭是要花很多钱的。Eating anything in excess can be bad for you.吃任何东西过量都会对身体有害。Eating spaghetti can be a messy business.吃意大利面可能会弄得周围脏兮兮的。Eating like that every night is sheer decadence.每天晚上那样吃东西简直是堕落。Eating too much can be bad for you. = It can be bad for you to eat too much.饮食过量可能伤身体。Eating organically needn't cost the earth.并不是非得花一大笔钱才吃得到有机食品。Eating sweets is bad for your teeth.吃糖对牙齿不好。Eating certain foods may help reduce the risk of cancer.进食某些食品可能有助于降低患癌症的风险。Eating habits are bound to vary from individual to individual.饮食习惯肯定因人而异。Eating fish can heighten teen boys' IQ levels, report claims.报道称,吃鱼可以提高青少年的智力水平。Eating disorders affect people of both sexes, not just girls.进食障碍在两种性别身上都有可能发生,而不仅仅是女孩。Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will help you to stay healthy.多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜可以帮助你保持身体健康。Eating garlic can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood.吃大蒜可以大大减少血液中的胆固醇。Eating strawberries makes her break out in hives. = Eating strawberries makes her break out.吃草莓使她突然起了荨麻疹。Eating too much candy can rot your teeth.吃太多糖果,会出现蛀牙。Eating plenty of fiber helps me keep/stay regular.多吃植物纤维有助于我排便正常。Eating fine foods gives gustatory pleasure.美食给人以味觉的享受。Eating boiled potatoes instead of chips was his only gesture towards healthy eating.他说要注意饮食健康,可也仅仅是用煮土豆代替炸薯条而已。Eating sensibly and taking regular exercise is a fairly reliable method of losing weight.注意饮食和经常锻炼是一种比较可靠的减肥方法。Eating healthy foods is only/just one aspect of a healthy lifestyle.吃健康食品只是健康生活方式的一个方面。Eating strawberries brings me out in spots. 吃草莓使我起了疹子。Eating too much food will give you a stomachache.吃太多食物会使你胃痛。Eating meat was against her principles.吃肉违背她的行为准则。Eating out once a week will break the monotony.每周一次的外出就餐将打破生活的单调。Eating shark meat is a novelty to many people.对许多人来说,吃鲨鱼肉是件新鲜事。Eating all that candy is bad for your teeth.把那些糖果全吃掉有损你的牙齿。Eating in East Berlin used to be a joyless experience.在东柏林就餐曾经是一件沉闷无趣的事情。Eating chocolate can be habit-forming.吃巧克力可能会上瘾。Eating around the table was a family ritual that could not be broken.围着桌子吃饭是一个不可打破的家庭规矩。




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