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The fruit can be eaten once the prickles have been removed.这种水果只要去掉刺就可以吃了。You can have a piece of cake after you've eaten your vegetables!吃完蔬菜你就可以吃块蛋糕!The acid has eaten through the metal cover.酸已把金属盖子蚀穿了。The dish may be eaten hot or cold.这道菜可以热吃,也可以冷吃。This versatile vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked.这种蔬菜有多种吃法,既可生吃也可烹调后食用。Rennie had eaten his tea in the canteen.伦尼已经在餐厅吃过茶点了。He brought up all that he had eaten.他把吃下去的东西全吐出来了。You haven't eaten all day. You must be hungry.你整天都没吃东西,一定饿了吧。You've eaten it all? You hog!你全吃光了?你这头猪!If we get our facts wrong we'll be eaten alive by the press.如果我们把事实弄错了,媒体会对我们大肆发难的。He was certain Sid would be eaten alive by the hardened criminals in the jail.他确信锡德在监狱中肯定会被那些怙恶不悛的罪犯们扒掉一层皮。The shore was badly eaten away on its southward side.南海岸受到严重侵蚀。They've picked up a really nasty infection from something they've eaten.他们因吃错东西而得了很严重的感染症。You've hardly eaten anything.你几乎什么东西都没吃。Children at this age commonly refer to being eaten up by tigers and lions and things of that nature.这个年龄的孩童常常讲到被老虎和狮子吃掉以及类似的事情。The rocks were eaten away by erosion.岩石被逐渐风化。There are as many brown-bag lunches eaten today as lunches in restaurants.现在自带午餐的人和在餐馆里吃午餐的一样多。He was so eaten up with guilt, he became ill.心中的愧疚无时无刻不在折磨着他,最终他病倒了。They'd eaten nearly everything.他们已经把东西吃得所剩无几了。Now add up the number of calories you have eaten.现在把你吃的卡路里数加起来。He has eaten his homely commons.他已把配给他的简单饭菜吃完了。I had not eaten properly for the past few days.几天了,我都没好好吃一顿。He's eaten a lot of choc ices.他吃了很多巧克力冰激凌。Most fruits are eaten raw.大部分的水果是生吃的。We've eaten out every night this week.我们这个星期每天晚上都出去吃饭。I'm not exaggerating - it was the worst meal I've ever eaten in my life.我不是在夸大其词——那是我这辈子吃到的最难以下咽的饭了。The failure of his business has eaten away at his confidence.生意场上的失利逐渐磨灭了他的信心。It was far and away the biggest meal he'd ever eaten.这绝对是他所吃过的最丰盛的一顿饭。He described a superlative meal, the like of which he'd never eaten before.他说那顿饭特别美味,他从未吃过如此好吃的饭。I've eaten ostrich meat on the continent.我在欧洲大陆时吃过鸵鸟肉。Several studies point to a real cause for concern over the adequacy of the diet eaten by British children.针对英国儿童膳食质量的担忧,数份研究将矛头指向了同一根源。Mice have eaten a hole in the bag.老鼠把口袋咬了个洞。Red meat, eaten to excess, is very high in fat and calories.过度食用红色肉类会摄入很高的脂肪和热量。Have you ever eaten rhubarb crumble?你吃过大黄酥皮甜点心吗?Inflation has eaten away at the value of some of their assets.通货膨胀使他们某些资产的价值下跌了。Don't make such a pig of yourself; you've eaten enough.别弄得像猪一样的,你已吃得够多了。You greedy pig – you've eaten up all the food.你这只贪心的猪猡,你把所有的食物都吃光了。Kiwi fruit can be eaten by cutting off the tops and scooping out the insides with a teaspoon.可以把猕猴桃的顶部切掉,用茶匙把里面的果肉挖出来吃。Rats have eaten through the floor.老鼠把地板给咬穿了。We drove through a somewhat moth-eaten deer park.我们驶过了一个有些破旧的鹿苑。 |