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词汇 alternate
例句 Many plants alternate an active period with a period of dormancy.许多植物的活动期和休眠期是互相交替的。As the boat leaves only on alternate days, you have no alternative but to stay here overnight.因为船隔天开,你只好留宿一夜,别无其他办法。She is convinced that parallel/alternate universes exist.她坚信存在平行/另外的宇宙。The fair is held on alternate years. 这个交易会隔年举行一次。Italian cities have imposed alternate-day driving rules in an effort to reduce pollution.意大利的城市为了减少污染,实行隔日行车规定。The class has two teachers who alternate on a weekly basis.这个班有两个老师,每个老师轮流教授一个星期。You'll have to alternate. One of you can use the room in the mornings, and the other in the evenings.你们俩得轮着来了,一个早上用这间房,另一个晚上用。They were streaked with alternate bands of colour.它们都带有各种色彩相间的条纹。According to the weather forecast, there will be a week of alternate rain and sunshine.根据天气预报,下礼拜时雨时晴。The three acts will alternate as headliners throughout the tour.这三个节目将在整个巡回演出中轮流做主打节目。The light and dark woods alternate to form an elegant pattern around the window.深浅不一的树木错落有致,在窗口形成一个优美的图案。Due to an emergency, the plane landed at an alternate airport.由于情况紧急,这架飞机降落在一个备用机场。Lesley had agreed to Jim going skiing in alternate years.莱斯莉已同意吉姆每隔一年去滑一次雪。Now you just alternate layers of that mixture and eggplant.现在你只需把茄子和拌料一层层交替放好。Periods of depression alternate with excited behavior.沮丧期与兴奋交替出现。His mother would alternate inexplicably between kindness and cruelty.他母亲会莫名其妙地时而和蔼时而凶暴。For the best results, you should alternate between yoga and weightlifting every other day.为了达到最佳效果,你应该每隔一天交替练习瑜伽和举重。His parents had tried both orthodox and alternate healers, with no luck.他的父母求助过正统医生和替代治疗师,但都没有起色。David was too sick to attend, so Janet served as his alternate.戴维重病不能出席,珍妮特作为他的替代者参加。Light woods alternate with dark woods.深浅不一的树木错落有致。He has periods of depression, which alternate with frenzied activity.他时而抑郁,时而亢奋。In research, times of discouragement alternate with times of great achievement.在研究过程中,灰心丧气与取得伟大成就的时刻交替出现。She picks the children up from school on alternate days. 她隔天去学校接一次孩子。In multiple personality disorder, the alternate personalities have distinct characteristics, names, and histories.在多种人格障碍中,每种人格有独特的性格、名字和生平。The bridge is closed so we advise you to use an alternate route.桥已封了,因此我们建议你走别的路线。Lions alternate heavy gorges with periods of fasting.狮子每饱餐一顿后总有一段时间不吃东西。To make the appetizer, you should alternate layers of tomatoes and cheese. 做这道开胃菜,你应该把西红柿和干酪分层交替摆放。The movie portrays a kind of alternate reality.这部电影描述了某种另类现实。The service runs on alternate days.该项服务隔天一次。Private cars are banned from the city on alternate days.该市私家车限隔日出行。The therapist can meet with the spouse on alternate weeks.治疗师每隔一周可以与配偶见一次面。I go and visit him on alternate weekends.我每隔一个周末去拜访他一次。For rainy days make sure you have alternate plans.要确保雨天有备选计划。She visits her parents on alternate Sundays.她隔个星期天去看望父母一次。The latest study muddies the waters by suggesting an alternate explanation.最新的研究提出另一种解释,使问题更复杂了。We took an alternate route because of the traffic.由于交通堵塞,我们走了另外一条路线。Ambulance crews alternate between emergency and routine work.救护车的工作小组交替做急救工作和常规工作。The show was sponsored by different clients on alternate weeks.这一节目由不同委托人出资每隔一星期演出一次。I work out in my garage and go for a run on alternate days.我在车库里锻炼,每隔一天就出去跑步。He worked alternate night and day shifts.他夜班日班交替做。




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