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词汇 due
例句 The players are due on court in an hour.选手们一小时后上场。His discoveries led, in due course, to new forms of treatment.他的发现适时地推动了新的治疗方式的产生。The wind has sheered round to due east.风向转成了正东。In due course the baby was born.婴儿足月降生了。The library closed due to a lack of finances.图书馆因缺乏资金而关闭了。Their first baby is due in January.他们的第一个孩子预产期在一月份。Our success is due to the combined/concerted efforts of many people.我们的成功源于许多人的共同努力。You must repay the loan, and any interest that is due on it.你必须还清贷款以及应付的利息。Dental erosion in adults can be due to excessive consumption of fruits and fruit juices.成人患牙侵蚀症可能是由于吃水果或喝果汁过多造成的。It is an ideal location due to its centrality.因为位于中心,这是一个理想的位置。After initial delays, construction on the new library is due to start in two weeks.经过最初的耽搁,新图书馆的建造工程预定于两周后展开。His car is due for a realignment.他的车该进行校准了。Pain on swallowing may be due to severe oesophagitis.吞咽时疼痛可能是严重的食道炎造成的。His position as leader will be under threat at a party congress due next month.他的领导人地位会在下月预期举行的政党大会上受到威胁。With all due respect, you're wrong.恕我直言,您错了。If the trip is a success, a lot of this will be due to Mr Green's efforts.如果说这次旅行获得了成功,那很大程度上要归功于格林先生的努力。Bank employees are due to start an indefinite strike today.银行雇员定于今日开始无限期罢工。Success was due in large part to good teamwork.成功在很大程度上是由于良好的团队合作。His paleness was due to the realization that he was bleeding.他面色苍白是因为意识到自己正在流血。The weather hogged the headlines again today with many roads closed due to the snow.很多道路因下雪而封闭,所以天气又成了今天关注的焦点。When are you due?你的预产期是什么时候?The cracks in the walls were due to subsidence.墙上的裂缝是地面下沉引起的。He only recently stopped working, due to his advancing years.他直到最近才因年事已高停止工作。He had not taken a summer holiday that year but had accumulated the leave due him.那年暑假他没有休息,而是把他应有的假期都攒了起来。I've got some leave due to me and I was going to Tasmania for a fortnight.我打算利用应享有的假期去塔斯马尼亚呆两周。Your dislike of water is perhaps due to a subconscious fear of drowning.你对水的厌恶可能是因为潜意识中害怕溺水。I have been given a lot of support by my colleagues, for which thanks are due.我得到了同事们的大力支持,因此我得表示感谢。The index rose again due to continued buying by foreign investors.由于国外投资者的频繁购买,指数又上升了。The power station is due to come on stream next year.这个电站计划明年投产。The queen was crowned with due ceremony.女王按照规定的礼仪加冕。Filming was due to start next month.拍摄定于下个月开始。The company claims that its failure to deliver the materials on time is due to bad weather and other extenuating circumstances.这家公司声称,他们未能按时递送材料是因为天气不好和其他情有可原的情况。If we sow the seed now, in due course we will have the flowers.如果我们现在播下种子,到时候会开花的。A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.已经设计出一个能帮你计算应得利息的简单数学公式。She started having contractions two weeks before her due date.她在预产期前两周就开始宫缩。The rent is due on the last day of the quarter.租金在这个季度的最后一天到期。His failing is due to incompetence.他的失败是无能造成的。These problems are due to mismanagement.产生这些问题的原因是管理不善。The flight was cancelled due to a technical problem.航班因为技术故障被取消了。He finally got the recognition he was due.他最终获得了应得的认可。




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