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词汇 along
例句 The economy continues to grind along.经济缓慢增长。She watched the frantic flow of cars and buses along the street.她注视着街上小汽车和巴士汇成的滚滚车流。We strolled along at an unhurried pace.我们悠闲地散步。How are you getting along with your work? 你的工作进展得怎样?A young couple were walking hand in hand along the beach.一对年轻情侣手牵手在海滩上散步。The snow was banked up along the roadside.路边堆积着厚厚的雪。A sharp pain suddenly shot along his arm.他的手臂突然感到一阵剧痛。Campsites were nestled along the river.露营营地坐落在河边。We missed the first bus, but another one should be along soon.我们错过了第一辆公共汽车,但另一辆应该很快会来。They confronted many obstacles along the way.他们一路上遇到许多障碍。;The cart jogged along the rough track.双轮马车在崎岖的小路上颠簸着行进。The council planted trees along the streets at regularly spaced intervals.委员会成员沿着街道按固定的间距植树。They laughed and joked as they walked along.他们一边走一边说笑。We jolted along rough wet roads through an endless banana plantation.我们沿湿漉漉的公路颠簸着驶过无边无际的香蕉种植园。Martin drove along until he found a convenient parking place.马丁一直往前开,直到找到了一个方便的停车场。The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution.女孩子们害怕蛇,走路时格外小心。A builder wants to develop a large piece of land along the river.开发商想开发建设河边的一大块土地。Surprisingly, my mother-in-law and I get along very well.让人感到意外的是,丈母娘和我相处甚洽。They made their getaway along a pavement on a stolen motorcycle.他们骑上偷来的摩托车沿着人行道逃走了。Just fill in the form and take it along to your local bank.只要填好这张表格,并把它拿到你当地的银行就行了。The truck bumped along the dirt road.卡车在土路上颠簸行驶。A path runs along the ridge.一条小径顺着这条山脊向前延伸。I saw her last night wheeling a buggy along Green Lane.昨天晚上我看见她推着婴儿车沿着格林小道走过。They moved along in good processional order.他们列队前进,秩序井然。The government has started building fortifications along its eastern border.政府已经开始沿东部边境修筑防御工事。She jollied him along until he agreed to help her.她把他哄得高高兴兴地同意帮她忙了。A stream runs along the bottom of the field.一条小溪沿着田地的最远处流过。Research tends to move along at a slow but orderly pace.研究虽进展缓慢,但井然有序。Things seem to be going along nicely.好像一切进展良好。The state and national economies are chugging along nicely.各州和全国经济都在缓慢而稳步地发展。Campsites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches.野营地一般都位于海滨,靠近沙滩。Let's take the scenic route, along the coast.让我们沿著海岸,走一条风景秀丽的路。The child's feet pattered along the landing.孩子啪嗒啪嗒地跑过楼梯平台。The road snaked along the valley far below.公路在下方远处的山谷里蜿蜒延伸。What better target than an unprotected girl, going along the river walkway in the dark.一个无人保护的姑娘,黑夜走在河岸边的人行道上,还有谁是比她更容易下手的目标呢。Bring the whole family along.把全家都带来。The team dogtrotted along the track.运动队沿跑道慢跑。He had never been on a boat before, but he walked along the deck as if to the manner born.他以前从来没有坐过船,但他似乎生来就能在甲板上行走自如。The driver trotted his pair of bays along the path of the woods.马夫赶着他的一对栗色马沿着林间小路小跑起来。She was pushing her baby along in a pram.她把宝宝放在婴儿车里推着走。




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